Over the past 20 years, TUANZ has lobbied and agitated to achieve positive change on behalf of telecommunications users.

Early on, we were something of a voice in the wilderness, but over time our messages became accepted as mainstream. Regulation and policy that TUANZ has campaigned for and supported have played a big part in the introduction of internationally-orthodox regulation and policy which has paved the way for the more open and competitive environment we now see.

Over that time TUANZ has seen:

  • Introduction of highly-effective completion law and regulation through the Telecommunications Act 2001, and Amendment Act 2006
  • The opening up of exchanges as a result of Local Loop Unbundling and naked DSL
  • Number portability, both fixed and mobile
  • A voluntary, industry-run customer complaints and disputes resolution scheme
  • Establishment of an effective wholesale arm within Telecom
  • Operational separation of Telecom
  • Launch of the third mobile network – from two incompatible networks to three with interchangeable SIM cards
  • The $1.5 billion Government Broadband Investment Initiative
  • Government funding boost for rural broadband
  • Action to reduce excessive, anti competitive mobile termination rates

Because of TUANZ’s achievements, telecommunications in New Zealand is now truly competitive. No longer can service providers exploit market dominance. This means prices have come down significantly and service has improved as customers now have far more choice of services.

We focus on outcomes, and we achieve them.

Just think back to your phone bill 10 years ago – how much has TUANZ saved you?