The telecommunications review discussion document has lead to quite a bit of, shall we say “discussion” about the review and what it all means.
As you’ll have seen, TUANZ is part of the “Axe the Tax” campaign as we strongly believe that taking money that was long promised to customers and giving it to Chorus shareholders is simply wrong.
But what do others think? What submissions were received?
If this was a Commerce Commission process, we’d have a full list of submissions (and cross-submissions) to look at and pick through. We’d see the economic analysis, the legal justifications and the rhetoric from all parties.
Sadly, MBIE tells me they haven’t decided yet on when or even if they’ll put those submissions online. Given we’re still waiting for the TSO submissions to go public, we could be waiting a long time.
It’s good to have all the submissions in one place and it’s good to have them out there in public. We need to have access to them so we can work out what rationale is being used and why for each position.
So on that score, I invite any and all submitters on the telco review discussion document to send me a copy of their submissions and we’ll make them all public here at TUANZ.
I’ll email all those I can think of directly seeking a copy but there are bound to be some who have submitted that I don’t know about. It’s a shame – I would have thought the ultimate outcome of calling for submissions on a discussion document would be to have a discussion.
It seems to be something of an old-fashioned approach these days.
If you’ve got a submission you want included, send it to: paul@tuanz.org.nz and I’ll add it to the list. If it’s already online, send me the URL (or add it in the comments below) and we’ll save on bandwidth.
Hi Donal, thanks for that. We had to submit OIA requests and finally they’ve been made public. This is a good thing, but I do have to question how you can call a process of secretive submissions an open consultation.
Hi again. If I’m not teaching grandmothers, all is good now at MBIE, submissions have been published at http://www.med.govt.nz/sectors-industries/technology-communication/communications/legislation-relating-to-the-telecommunications-sector/review-of-the-telecommunications-act-2001/submissions
Thanks, Donal. I do find it rather odd that a discussion document has no discussion, but maybe I’m just old-fashioned.
I’ll report back if we get them in a timely fashion.
I also contacted MBIE and got the same answer, that they have not decided whether to make the submissions public, and I responded much as you did, which is that the Commerce Commission (for example) routinely publishes all submissions (commercial in confidence bits redacted). It’s not open government as it should be, and it’s also somewhat moot as I’m pretty sure Telecom, Chorus and Vodafone have made theirs public anyway. Though I too would like to see the full range. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re also required to release them under the terms of the OIA.
Good luck with collecting all of them, it’s a good initiative.
Donal Curtin
Economics New Zealand