Influence the future of TUANZ

One of the opportunities that members of TUANZ have is to put their name forward for election to the Board. Being part of the Board gives you the opportunity to influence the future work of the organisation and how TUANZ impacts the direction of the digital technology landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are now seeking nominations for the Board and encourage you to carefully consider nominating yourself or someone else to this role who can make a difference and help us to make sure New Zealand makes the most of the digitally connected world. More information about the Board member roles and responsibilities can be found here

This year, there are six seats available on the TUANZ Board. Board members serve for two years. To join the Board, you or your organisation must be a fully paid-up TUANZ member. If unsure about your membership status, please contact us at

While any member may be nominated, we especially encourage members with the following skills or experience to consider nomination:

  • Risk & financial management
  • Security or data protection
  • Leading large corporate IT teams
  • Members who work within non-technology and telecommunications companies.

Nominations can be made using this form no later than 5pm, Wednesday 7 August.

Online Voting & Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Tech Users Summit on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Voting will be online before the AGM, and results will be announced at the meeting. Details and registration information will be sent out soon. All TUANZ members are encouraged to attend either in person or online.


  • Now: Call for Nominations for Board representatives issued to Members
  • 7 August: Deadline for nominations to be received
  • 14 August: List of nominees to be issued to voting members and electronic voting commences.
  • 28 August:  Electronic voting close
  • 29 August:  Any proposed notices, motions or remits to be advised to TUANZ.
  • 12 September: Annual Meeting, results of online voting announced.

Notices and Remits

If you have any remits, motions or other items that you would like raised at the AGM, please send these through to by 5pm Thursday 29 August 2024.