Citizens and Video Watchers Arise!

New Zealanders have long suffered due to a lack of legitimate online video options. Alert readers will recall that we have looked
at these issues in a blog post  The Ins and Outs of Online Video, and the next step is to get some better data on how our options compare with more fortunatate isles.

We want to do this by creating a list of legitimate online video options and their key characteristics. If you are a user of online video options willing to share your knowledge with the world, feel free to contribute what you know, or correct what is there in thisspreadsheet.

We also want to gather information on how New Zealand compares. So if you are using the US iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, Lovefilm or some other major online international video service, please fill in the sheet that explains how it stacks up. We promise not to tell anyone if you are breaching their terms and conditions.

With your contributions the idea is that this table can become a trusted source of information, and TUANZ and others can use it in their ongoing lobbying on these issues.