Welcome to Wiki New Zealand

This year at TUANZ we are going to talk a lot more about how the new broadband networks can be used to improve both our commercial and personal lives.  One of those ways is accessing information that might have previously been available but only to those in the know.  So, it was great to be able to meet Lillian Grace (@GracefulLillian) this morning – she is the FOUNDER and CHIEF (yes, thats on her business card) at WIKI NEW ZEALAND.(@WikiNewZealand)

Their mission at WIKI NZ is getting people to use New Zealand’s data, and to be the place to play with New Zealand’s data.  

According to their website, there is a vast amount of data freely available on New Zealand and its position within the global context. However, to extract this data into a useable form requires time and skill.  Wiki New Zealand brings data together in one place and in accessible formats. Topics are presented from multiple angles, wider contexts and over time. Presenting this data in similar forms invites users to compare, contrast and interpret it easily and without bias.

Their current website is a good place to start playing with but Lillian this morning gave me a demo of the new backend (called Grace), and I saw some of the new front end design that will be live in February so make sure you have a look back at their site later that month.

It’s great to see this sort of initiative taking place and we will look to work further with WIKI NZ as more public data and information becomes available.