Gigatown – GigaCity New Plymouth

If you live in a UFB area in Taranaki, your world has just got a lot faster, Primowireless have now launched their new residential UFB services and a new look website.


The big news is that they have released the first residential gigabit UFB service in New Zealand (that I know of) and it looks pretty good. Prices start at $109 per month for a 50GB plan (I’d inhale that in seconds) going up to $169 per month for a 1000GB plan, not too bad and I can understand their reticence at running an unlimited gigabit plan. It would be too tempting to try and back up the whole internet or try and download Hollywood.

I’m impressed for several reasons, the first is that in the legendary spirit of Taranaki Hardcore, they’ve just ‘done it’ the second is that aspirational UFB doesn’t look unaffordable and its only taken about two and a half months from when UFF turned on the ‘Giganet’.

This is the kind of innovation New Zealand needs more of and I’m rapt to see it coming out of the provinces. What we now need is more competitive products like this available in more places.

The TCF is looking at a gigabit spec for UFB, but lets see how this goes in the Naki.

If I was lucky enough to be using this, my next trip would be to Dick Smith for one of these and I’d need a plan to upgrade all my WiFi devices to 802.11 ac.

Then it would be time to get serious about have a hyper connected smart house.

Ah dreams are free…

2 replies
  1. Chris O'Connell
    Chris O'Connell says:

    Its as close as we’ll see with PON based ftth, gigabit metro ethernet has been available for quite a while in many CBD’s the big deal here is that this is the beginning of residential gigabit services, I’m not aware of too many homes that need gigabit uploads.

    That said I do like the Google fibre model very much, but our die has been cast in the PON mode!

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