Entries by tuanzadmin


Apologies for the light blogging over the last few days, I’ve been on the road with 2 funerals and an Economic Development roadtrip to Palmerston North. Its made me reflect on the value of the roadtrip, far from being a burden I think they are really valuable opportunities to get re-grounded in whats really going […]


Sometimes its the little things that show you how much things have changed. Yesterday I went to a funeral in New Plymouth, and it was being streamed live over the internet to family that couldn’t be there in person. In fact there was a subtle digital capability to the entire event, the nicely designed and […]

2 Degrees (of separation)

What do Microsoft, Steve Jobs and 2Degrees all have in common? The answer is John Stanton, a founding partner of 2Degrees major shareholder Trilogy International Partners, and former confidant of Steve Jobs was recently appointed to the Microsoft board.  Thats quite a lot to fit together, so I’ll unpack a few pieces because this is […]

A birth notice…

Wow! Residential gigabit is getting born today. In Taranaki, these tweets from Primo Wireless tell the story with improving speedtest results. So first of all congratulations to Primo wireless for 2 things, one is giving it a bit of the old ‘Naki’ hard core attitude and seeing what they can do with a gig and secondly […]

Hanging up on Telecom

Those aren’t my words, they’re Simon Moutter’s as they officially relaunched Telecom’s Auckland HQ as ‘Spark City’. Like most Kiwi’s over 35 I’ve watched the huge changes that have occurred since the 4th (Lange) Labour Government started the ball rolling by ‘corporatising’ the old Post Office. I was a 20 something commerce student in Dunedin […]

Reality Distortion Fields

I’m a big time Apple fan, I’ve spent 3 decades using the products of my favourite fruit company and I’ve always been in awe of Steve Jobs. One of my big regrets in life is that I never got to see his famous ‘Reality Distortion Field’ in action, this was his legendary ability to reframe […]

Forbidden Knowledge…

There’s been a wee drama unfolding off screen over the last few days as our TV operators have lined up behind SKY TV to refuse to run a TVC from Slingshot that made a reference to their ‘global mode’ service that lets customers get around IP address based geoblocking so that they can access off […]

And so is Telecom…

As we count down the last few days of Telecom in its current form, they have just come out with a request that TUANZ can easily get 100% behind – consistent gigabit downloads and pricing from all NZ’s local fibre companies. It’s time for a ‘Giganation’ says Telecom as UFB coverage hits 100% Telecom, soon […]

Kim Dot Com is right…

About one thing anyway, and that is that we need fibre to 98% of New Zealand.  5.2. Universal access Fibre for all: The Internet Party believes that fibre broadband is essential infrastructure if New Zealand is to become a global leader in the digital age. The goal is fibre to the premises of the 97.8 […]

For all you radio geeks.

MBIE (the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment) have just announced a review of the Radio Communications Act 1989. Before you yawn and click off, take a moment to think about all the radios that you use every day without even thinking about it: Wifi, bluetooth, your mobile, your car radio, your baby monitor and […]