Media release: Cross submission asks ComCom to do the job right
Media release on TUANZ, Consumer and InternetNZ’s submission regarding UCLL price determination
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Media release on TUANZ, Consumer and InternetNZ’s submission regarding UCLL price determination
Chorus’s results are out and the company has said it will focus on cost cutting and seeking new revenue streams. Does this mean we’ll see the ‘nuclear option’ deployed?
Telecom/Spark has entered the world of television, and not for the first time. This time, however, it has to get it right, and so far the signs are good.
Chorus has suggested not bothering to build an economic model at all, but rather use its existing cost base to work out what we should pay. That’s very noble, but there are a few caveats that need to be dealt with.
Major UK study says “no” health effects from mobile phones or towers. Put away your tin-foil hats.
What is a “modern equivalent asset” and why is it so important to the Commerce Commission’s pricing determination for wholesale broadband?
Happy travellers or unhappy wifi users? What are your experiences of hotels and internet access like?
Telecom has won the spectrum auction but won’t be happy about it. The 700MHz spectrum supplementary auction was always going to be the telco equivalent of the Cold War and Telecom has ended up paying four times more than it should for its spectrum.
The year ahead is shaping up to be a busy one. What’s in 2014 for the telco sector?
TUANZ TO SEEK NZX, FMA & SSC INQUIRIES The Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ) will write tomorrow to the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX), the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and the State Services Commission (SSC) asking them to investigate unusual movements in the share price of Chorus Ltd (NZX: CNU). On Friday, […]