Entries by tuanzadmin

Electronic McCarthyism

US-based companies cannot legally comply with the government’s proposed GCSB and TICS bills and will have to make a call – follow US law or follow NZ law. Which way do you think they’ll go?

Essential Services

It’s at times like this that we realise just how important mobile telecommunications has become. So why do we still have a consent process that takes 18 months on average and which pleases nobody?

Guest post: Education System part two

Tim is a teacher at
Seatoun School in Wellington. He is interested in the challenges of leading
systemic changes in schools. As a leader of IT at his school, he is always
considering how IT enables and enhances the “how we do what we do” in

The GCSB hearing

News coverage of yesterday’s GCSB hearing focused on Kim Dotcom’s presentation, but for my money the real kicker came with Thomas Beagle’s presentation on behalf of the Tech Liberty organisation.

Overbuilding networks is not on

Chorus is facing a $400m cost blowout as it deploys the UFB. So why is fibre being deployed where existing fibre already operates? Why are we overbuilding in places where it would make more economic sense to lease space off an existing provider? Are we doing this the hard way?

Wanganui – city of the future

Wanagnui’s TechEx expo was a chance to catch up on rural broadband issues, hear about new technology like cognitive radio and to find out just why the RBI is only the starting point, not the end game for rural users.