We are the voice of our members and all users in a complex digital world. If you have a dispute with a telco that needs to be addressed, we might be able to help.
What to do if you have a dispute with a Telco
TUANZ is a not-for-profit membership association, representing a constituency of corporate and individual members. Therefore we are not in a position to handle individual complaints from individual members of the public.
If you have a particular issue with a telecommunications service provider, TUANZ recommends that in the first instance you contact your service provider. Contacting the service provider directly with your issue or complaint is often the best first port of call to resolve the matter.
If this fails, or you are in a dispute with a telecommunications service provider, TUANZ recommends that you contact the free Telecommunication Dispute Resolution service or if you are a member of Consumer NZ, they may also be able to help.
Telecommunication Disputes Resolution Process
If you have a dispute with a telecommunications service provider, TUANZ recommends that you contact the Telecommunication Dispute Resolution Service (TDRS).
This is a free and independent service to help work out disputes between consumers and telecommunication companies.
To contact the TDRS call 0508 98 98 98 or visit their website.
Selecting a Service Provider
TUANZ does not provide any recommendations, advice or endorsement for any particular fixed-line, internet or mobile service providers.
If you are uncertain of which provider to choose, on our Broadband Information page we list a number of sites that can help you see what services are available in your area, and help you compare offerings.
Advice for TUANZ members
If your organisation is a TUANZ member and needs advice on dealing with an issue, please contact us with a brief description of the issue. Our contact details are office@tuanz.org.nz or you can phone +64 4 815 8178.
Contact TUANZ
If you have a dispute with a Telco you would like to raise with TUANZ, please complete the form below and we’ll be in contact as soon as we can.

Get in touch
The team are here to help assist you with any questions or help you might need. Feel free to contact them directly as listed below or through the office.
Phone: +64 4 815 8178
Email: office@tuanz.org.nz