TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ cautiously welcomes Government’s direction on the future of communications regulation

14th April 2016

TUANZ cautiously welcomes the Government’s announcements today on some key decisions for the future of telecommunications regulation in New Zealand.

“These decision are generally in line with our submission to the original discussion paper” said Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ.  “We are generally supportive of the move to the utility style regulations and will engage in the discussion on the specifics to ensure we vigorously support the right outcomes for business and consumer users of these services”.   He went on to state that until there is more detail released on the proposals including transitional arrangements, the impact will not be fully understood.

The decision regarding consulting on competition in the mobile sector is also a positive decision.  “This was also one of the key points we made in our submission  – that all aspects of the mobile market need to be reviewed to ensure ongoing competition is strong and we see the continuance of multi-party participation.” said Mr. Young.  TUANZ believes this review is critical to ensure that all the relevant tools are in place to ensure that competition and coverage continue to improve in Rural New Zealand in line with their goal of high quality, ubiquitous connectivity across the country.

“We look forward to engaging fully in the process as the group representing the users of these technologies” Mr. Young said.