Entries by tuanzadmin

Is it a little frosty in Hell this morning?

I know its certainly cold enough here in #gigatownporirua, as you’ve probably picked up already I’m a fairly unreconstructed Apple fanboy, its an obsession stretching all the way back to otago University in the 80’s. Believe it or not its actually been something that has served me quite well over the years, partly because to […]

Is the answer in hand?

The battle for your hands (and wallets) has been heating up in recent days with the latest event being both Telecom and Vodafone making announcements about turning their recent 700Mhz spectrum purchases into the latest front in the opening skirmishes of the 4G wars. Both developments actually fall into the category of ‘positioning’ Vodafone want […]

Labour launches ICT Policy at Nethui

Labour leader David Cunliffe & ICT spokesperson Clare Curran released part one of their 2014 ICT policy  at Nethui 2014 this morning. I’ll do a detailed breakdown later as I have a busy morning at Nethui. I’ve taken out the big ideas as I see them, Labour do look like they’ve read our 2008 Green […]

Some random observations from Nethui….

The turnout and diversity of the attendees shows how important the Internet is to many, many groups. ubiquity of access will increase to the point where the internet itself becomes invisible, and devices are shrinking to the point they will be indistinguishable from magic. We need to think of the Internet of People before all […]

Normal transmission will resume shortly…

I’m currently in Auckland attending KANZ (the Korea Australia New Zealand Technology Summit) and Nethui 2014. Two quite different approaches to the same issue, which is how do we engage with digital networks and technologies to advance as societies, economies and nations. So I’ll be posting shorter regular updates while I’m here and over the […]

Digital Exclusion

I’m getting ready to help facilitate at session at next weeks Nethui on ‘Digital Inclusion & UFB Uptake’, which has got me thinking. What is it that currently excludes people from being able to participate in the digital world ? it occurs to me that there are really only three reasons:    1.   Choice […]

Here’s to you FX Networks…

I’ve got mixed emotions about the news that FX have done a deal with Vocus, I’ll miss FX they’ve made a huge contribution to the NZ telco scene and they’ve achieved more in a short period of time than virtually any other player I can think of. FX is proof that dreams can come true, […]

The ‘gigabit’ debate

Who needs a gigabit speed connection? That was one of the most common responses to yesterday’s discussions on the impact of Ultrafast Fibre’s ‘giganet’ announcement. And it’s a perfectly rational argument but one that is ultimately flawed and definitely one that will delay both UFB uptake and the digital transformation of the New Zealand economy. […]

Confessions of a Tee-shirt evangelist

Since its a friday I thought I’d go off on a slightly different tangent, the recent moves in our extremely nascent, emerging residential Gigabit market got me thinking about the power of evangelism (in the marketing rather than the spiritual sense) as a marketing tool. If you’ve ever found yourself up against rivals or competitors […]

3D future…Is it Green?

Last week the Green Party released its high tech manufacturing policy at the Wellington Maker Space, they got my attention because this is an area close to my heart (both my sons are aspiring ‘Makers’ and the eldest had his 11th birthday party at the Maker Space) and I know they are onto something championing this […]