Entries by tuanzadmin

I’m feeling left out…

You know that feeling you got as a teenager, when the cool kids were having a party that you weren’t invited to ? But you found out about it and you really, really wanted to go ? Well I’m starting to feel that way about 5G, I know the party doesn’t start until 2022 but […]

5G or what to expect in 2022

Every time a new G hits the cellular world, we get driven into yet another frenzy of cyclic upgrades, there’s new spectrum to be auctioned off, towers to upgrade and new devices to buy.  So I was intrigued to read that the Chinese Government has already set out its 5G agenda and that China Mobile […]

Cellular Biology

I want to return to a theme that emerged in my first week on the job here at TUANZ, and that is how utterly and completely handheld devices have changed the face of telecommunications, and that isn’t going to abate anytime soon. In fact we are just at the beginning of a revolution that will […]

Here’s how TUANZ makes a difference

I’m meeting with quite a few people at the moment and the topic of TUANZ’s raison’d’etre often comes up. There is a view that we’ve fought the fights that needed to be fought, but now the market will take care of things and we should just retire gracefully basking in the glow of a job […]

Gigatown turns into a Giga challenge for Chorus

One more post before bedtime, now that I’m back in the temporary VDSL equipped TUANZ cave in #gigatownporirua. I’ve had a flight back from Auckland, (cut off from my feed to the internets) to think about what Ultra Fast Fibre’s declaration of their central North Island patch as the ‘Giganet’ means for Chorus. And what […]

Time for Giga thinking

Today’s ‘Giganet’ announcement by UFF promises to revolutionize the entire UFB program for some really exciting reasons:   1.   It gives the RSP’s a reason to get serious about creating compelling gigabit products 2.  It brings gigabit to a powerhouse of the NZ economy 3.  It clearly separates UFB from legacy copper based broadband  […]

Whats next in “Fibre-Rei”?

Last Wednesday night, Graham and Darren from Northpower shared the Northpower Fibre story at a TUANZ After 5 in Auckland. It was a great night and I’m trying to convince them to come and share the story in Wellington soon (keep an eye on the after 5’s section of our website). I’ve been following Northpower […]

iHomes, iHealth and I’m new at this…

Gidday – for those who don’t know me I’m Chris O’Connell and I’ll be the voice of TUANZ for the next 4 months until Craig Young begins the role. (It says I’m Paul because I’m coming to grips with our CMS!) I’ve been around TUANZ for quite a while, I started out judging the TUANZ […]