Entries by tuanzadmin

Terms and Conditions apply

​What information would you like to see listed when you’re buying a broadband connection. Do you know what goes in to making up the service you’re buying and what should the telcos be required to tell you before you plunk down your hard-earned cash?

On Demand

​Harry is a triumph of New Zealand television and film making, adding to a rich collection that dates back to Sleeping Dogs. It’s bold, clever, unflinching and utterly watchable, so long as you’re around at 930pm on a Wednesday night because watching it on demand is just a terrible experience.

Software prices and patents

​Craig Foss has been in the news a bit of late for revisiting his Supplementary Order Paper regarding software patents. But there’s another issue on his radar – the price New Zealanders pay for software. So how’s he doing on that one?

Aussies show us the way to avoid

​The Australian government has auctioned off its 700MHz spectrum management rights for nearly A$2bn. It’s a disaster, both for the telcos and their customers, but also for the Australian government which has egg on its face. After setting the price too high, one third of the spectrum didn’t sell at all.

Mr Ren

The founder of Huawei is in New Zealand talking to network operators and the government about his company. What’s the man behind the network like?