Entries by tuanzadmin

TUANZ Cross Submission on UCLL/UBA FPP Price Reviews

5th October 2015: TUANZ has submitted to the Commerce Commission as part of the Cross-Submission process in regards to the current Final Pricing Principle review for UCLL and UBA.  The details are as follows. TUANZ cross-submission comments in regards to the UCLL/UBA Final Draft Determinations Thank you for the opportunity to provide a view on […]

Refreshed TUANZ board sets out on a new direction

TUANZ Chair Pat O’Connell has welcomed six new members to the TUANZ board, saying that their election will bring energy and ambition to the help execute the organisation’s new strategic direction.   “The appointment of our six new board members shows that there is excitement about where TUANZ is heading and what it can offer […]

Media Release : TUANZ launches NextGen Leadership Programme

7th September 2015   TUANZ has today announced the launch of its NextGen leadership programme, which will focus on building a community of the next generation of leaders across its membership organisations. The NextGen leadership programme is an early initiative as part of its new strategic direction to be released at its AGM on the […]

What do we mean by “Telecommunications”

Yesterday we made a public release of a paper in which we outlined the key high level issues we thought should be discussed and debated as part of the current review of the Telecommunications Act – you can read it here.  We’re very clear that our focus is on the outcomes for our members, and to help […]

Media Release: TUANZ releases Issues Paper for Telco Review

MEDIA RELEASE : 10th August 2015   TUANZ (The Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand) has today published on its website a paper which lists the issues it suggests should be covered in the upcoming review of the Telecommunications Act by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).  “We provided this list to MBIE earlier […]

GUEST BLOG* : Introducing the Data Counsel

In September, Lillian Grace, founder and CEO of Figure.NZ will be the speaker at the TUANZ After5 series.  Figure.NZ is growing and has just appointed Aaron Schiff to the role as Data Counsel.  Below is a blog post he wrote to explain what that means. “I’m really excited to be appointed as Data Counsel at […]