Launch of “Give Someone a Start”

Last week in Auckland, our member and partner Work and Income, launched their “Give Someone a Start” programme at a business networking event.   We are a supporter of this initiative and committed to helping spread the word.

At the event the Chief Executive of MSD (Brendan Boyle) spoke about government and business working together and doing things a bit differently to change the lives of people like Letitia – people who, once they get into the workforce, can go on to be loyal, reliable employees, even moving into management roles and making a real contribution to the organisation. 

Work and Income are starting with a group of parents returning to work and are capitalising on the skills they already have and are investing in training to get them ready for work.   

As part of the programme, Work and Income with partner with an organisation, provide a dedicated person who will get to know the business and find the right people with the skills needed. 

They have put together some more information – a factsheet that introduces the campaign …

 … and some industry video clips.

If you have any questions you can contact Work and Income on 0800 778 008.

Internet NZ – Canterbury Community Grants

At NetHui South last weekend our friends at InternetNZ announced a round of community grants for Canterbury – if you are in the region the details of how to apply are below.

Why we love community grants round: Canterbury edition

As part of our mission to work alongside the Internet community of New Zealand, we help fund projects that go towards making New Zealand’s Internet better.

Every year we invest $500,000 in community projects, research projects and conference attendance as well as our strategic partners. We do this because we are the stewards of the .nz domain for New Zealand. Part of this responsibility means we are in the position to provide funding to the community to benefit the 

New Zealand Internet.

While at NetHui South – taking part in Christchurch for the first time – we launched a funding round for projects based in the Canterbury region. We’re giving away $100,000 to support Internet projects that will benefit the people and the Internet of Canterbury. The money is the last part of the half million dollars that InternetNZ has contributed to the region following the major earthquakes in 2010 and 2011.

The Canterbury funding round is to help fund projects that will extend the availability, use and benefit of the Internet in and around Canterbury. Two such areas would be projects that support more widely available access to the Internet, and projects which deliver better use of the Internet.

We think that community funding is one of the best parts of being at InternetNZ. It lets us help others work towards our vision of a better world through a better Internet. And everyone wants to help create a better world.

When we get to work alongside some of the best and brightest in New Zealand’s Internet community it gives us a thrill. Combined with the fact that Canterbury is an important region where people are thinking hard about how to build the sort of city and region, and the sorts of businesses and other organisations, that suit the 21st century and you have a perfect storm of helpfulness and a happy little satisfaction at doing a good thing.

We are aware that there is still much to be done in the rebuild, but the major focus of this round is towards projects that look beyond the rebuild and help answer this simple question: ‘what will the Internet’s contribution be to Canterbury’s for the next 15 years?’

By contributing this money to the work of others we’re helping them to grow Internet capability in Canterbury. We’ve previously provided money to groups who have set out to map the Internet in New Zealand and provide free wireless to some of New Zealand’s poorer communities.

The Internet is such a dominant part of our society now that any work we can do to help grow Canterbury’s capabilities will definitely contribute to the region’s economic and social progress. This has obvious flow-on effects to the rest of the country. Christchurch is New Zealand’s second largest city. For a successful and prosperous New Zealand it’s important that we do all we can to help Christchurch thrive.

The first stage of getting access to these funds is filling out an Expressions of Interest form.

These close on 5 January 2015, and details and application forms are at

Get cracking! Let us help you make a difference.  

NetHui South – Registrations Open

Afternoon – We are a Community Supporter of NetHui South and so if you are in the South Island you can now register for the event.

Internet NZ Press Release:

The South Island edition of New Zealand’s favourite Internet event is open for registrations now.

NetHui South 2014 will be held at the University of Canterbury on November 21-22 and as with previous NetHuis, it’s expected that tickets will sell out fast.

The national event, held in July, brought together New Zealand’s Internet community to plan and execute the three day event. There were prominent New Zealand speakers, community-led sessions on all kinds of Internet Issues, political discussions and a range of side events.

The South Island edition is promising to be just as exciting.

InternetNZ Chief Executive, Jordan Carter says that the South Island Internet Community was providing just as excellent ideas that came pouring in for the Auckland version for the South Island edition.

“People have obviously got a keen eye for the future of the Internet. We’ve had a lot of interest in sessions around how New Zealand and Canterbury can best use the Ultra-fast Broadband roll-out, as well as how to improve the Rural Broadband Initiative.

“Though the event won’t be focussing solely on Canterbury, obviously that’s a major factor and we’ve got an exciting panel lined up to discuss Innovation and Opportunity in a Connected Canterbury.

NetHui is supported by a number of sponsors and community sponsors, ranging from local providers Enable to Creative Commons Aotearoa and more. The event couldn’t go ahead without them and Jordan says that it’s working alongside people that makes NetHui great.

“We work with New Zealand’s Internet community to arrive at a pre-agreed agenda for NetHui South, and from there we actively encourage people to participate, rather than passively attend,” says Mr Carter.

Registration can be done by visiting while a draft programme can be seen at


For more information, please contact:

David Cormack, Communications Lead
+64 21 294 5333


Pass through of copper pricing

Last week I visited Tom Puller-Strecker at the DominionPost/STUFF offices to introduce myself as the new CEO of TUANZ.  In that meeting he asked a few interesting questions – and one of them was about our position regarding the pass-through by Service Providers of the copper price reduction coming into effect on the 1st December.  You can read my response and the article here: Telcos pour cold water on price cut call

NZ now has a league of broadband heroes – NZWIP

The real heroes of rural broadband have taken a break from bringing the best broadband to rural NZ for long enough to form an organisation and get the ability to speak with a single voice and engage with the ‘Wellington’ labyrinth, the mysterious beltway triangle linking MBIE, the Commerce Commission and Parliament.

I was at their inaugural meeting and I wish them luck and success, here’s the official release:

More than 20 representatives from independent New Zealand wireless broadband providers have met in Wellington and resolved to form an industry group to jointly address issues facing their industry and speak to central government with one voice.

The meeting in Wellington was initially set up to hear presentations from RSM, InternetNZ and TUANZ, and work towards a combined submission to the current review of the Radiocommunications Act, but it soon became obvious that most providers faced similar issues and there was much common ground.

“By mid-morning on the second day, members were able to agree on the aims and principles of the new organisation and elect officers to represent the group,” says newly-elected President Justin Wells of Nelson-based

The group will be known as the New Zealand Wireless Internet Providers Association (NZWIP). Full membership will be available to wireless broadband providers with a minimum of 200 end-point wireless customers, and other organisations such as equipment suppliers and sole operators will be able to apply for associate membership.

The group will share resources and also provide statistics on an anonymous basis so that the overall size of this part of the telecommunications industry can be established.

“We expect we will find that this group serves in excess of 80,000 customers throughout New Zealand,” says Mr Wells. “Almost all of us are privately funded companies set up by entrepreneurs who have become expert in bringing decent broadband speeds to remote rural areas where the traditional providers were unable or unwilling to go. Ask any farmer or rural town-dweller who is their broadband provider and you’ll most likely find that it’s a relatively small, local company. Our advantage is that we know our territory, we understand the local geography and we know our customers. It’s a business model that works, even if it’s one that has suffered from missing out on government funded rural broadband initiatives which have made money available only to companies who could provide national coverage. That’s an issue that has been really frustrating for us all, as we’ve had to deal with taxpayer-funded competition.”

Mr Wells said the group was encouraged to see Minister Amy Adams’ pre-election announcement that National would make $100 million of contestable funding available which independent wireless providers would be able to access.

“This is a huge step forward and an acknowledgement that our members have been out there closing the digital divide for over a decade – taking kiwi ingenuity, combining it with technical know-how and making things happen in rural New Zealand.”

I know these guys can make a difference because 10 years ago I got my rural broadband issues in Marlborough solved by the, in fact that’s what started the whole process that leads me to being here today.

Their timing is right and they will delivered the best bang for the buck possible.

The Herod Clause – What would you give up for free WiFi?

A recent experiment in London showed that some people were prepared to give up their first born children in return for free wifi!, the story is here.

The reality is how many of us actually read the terms and conditions before we click agree on our way to some free surfing?

Here’s the story:

A handful of Londoners in some of the capital’s busiest districts unwittingly agreed to give up their eldest child, during an experiment exploring the dangers of public Wi-Fi use.

The experiment, which was backed by European law enforcement agency Europol, involved a group of security researchers setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot in June.

When people connected to the hotspot, the terms and conditions they were asked to sign up to included a “Herod clause” promising free Wi-Fi but only if “the recipient agreed to assign their first born child to us for the duration of eternity”. Six people signed up.

F-Secure, the security firm that sponsored the experiment, has confirmed that it won’t be enforcing the clause.

“We have yet to enforce our rights under the terms and conditions but, as this is an experiment, we will be returning the children to their parents,” wrote the Finnish company in its report.

“Our legal advisor Mark Deem points out that – while terms and conditions are legally binding – it is contrary to public policy to sell children in return for free services, so the clause would not be enforceable in a court of law.”

Ultimately, the research, organised by the Cyber Security Research Institute, sought to highlight public unawareness of serious security issues concomitant with Wi-Fi usage.

The experiment used a mobile hotspot device built for less than £160 by German ethical-hacking company SySS using a Raspberry Pi computer, a battery pack and Wi-Fi aerial, all held together with elastic bands.

I’m pleased they won’t be enforcing the clause, but the scary bit comes later in the article:

The experiment used a mobile hotspot device built for less than £160 by German ethical-hacking company SySS using a Raspberry Pi computer, a battery pack and Wi-Fi aerial, all held together with elastic bands.

The device “could have been easily concealed in a woman’s handbag and could be deployed in seconds,” claimed the report. It was first deployed in Cafe Brera in Canada Square, in the heart of Canary Wharf, and later just outside the Queen Elizabeth Centre near the Houses of Parliament.

After the initial Herod clause experiment, the research continued with the terms and conditions removed. In Westminster, 33 devices connected to the hotspot, with researchers startled to find that the popular POP3 email protocol revealed passwords in plain text when used over Wi-Fi.

This vulnerability dates back 13 years to 2001, showing how little effort has been put into fixing a potentially critical issue. If the researchers had been malicious, they could have easily siphoned off critical data like usernames and passwords and logged into people’s accounts.

“The authentication happens in plain text in some old protocols,” F-Secure’s Sean Sullivan told the Guardian. “You could probably snare a lot of people using email… you could do more to refine [an attack] to capture more people’s mail.”

Thats actually very scary, yet the allure of free wifi is really really strong. Here’s the useful information from the end of the article:

But more mundane data can also be useful for hackers. Even when they aren’t connected to a hotspot, devices on average reveal the last 19 access points they hooked up to, the study found.

“It‘s a particularly disturbing development as recent research has shown that individuals can be accurately identified by using just the last four access points where they have logged on,” F-Secure’s report read.

Other metadata, such as websites people have visited or their device ID, would also prove useful to criminal or government spies hoping to piece together a fuller picture of targets.

The report concluded that there needs to be much more education around the use of public Wi-Fi, especially hotspots that are of unknown origin. F-Secure is also calling for more transparency from the telecoms industry.

Currently, users are suffering because of “collusion between different branches of the industry”, which has sacrificed security for the sake of usability, the researchers claimed.

“People haven’t had anything to compare it to to wrap their head around,” Sullivan added. “People are thinking of Wi-Fi as a place as opposed to an activity… You don’t do unprotected Wi-Fi at home, why are you doing it in public?”

Sullivan advises users run a Virtual Private Networking (VPN) software product, which will encrypt the data being sent to and from their device.

Turning Wi-Fi off when in public or when around untrusted hotspots can also be helpful wherever and whenever possible. Deleting old and known networks broadcasted by the device can help protect from metadata snoops too.

Good stuff to remember, it got me thinking about this story from a couple of years ago about the feasibility of digital pickpockets using a malicious android app to read NFC credit cards while they are still in your wallet! 

In a talk at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas Friday, Lee demonstrated an Android software tool called NFCProxy that’s capable of both reading and “replaying” data from contactless credit cards–any of the common payment cards with embedded RFID chips that allow payments at retail outlets’ wireless point-of-sale devices like these. undefined

After using a Nexus S phone to read his own contactless Visa card onstage at Defcon, he then used his tool to relay the data a moment later to a point-of-sale device, where it was accepted as a payment. “I’ve just skimmed, abused and spent someone’s credit card within a couple minutes. It’s really simple,” he told the crowd.

That is really scary and we now have our banks and telco’s rushing to get into payments before Apple Pay launches here.

But have they got the security sewn up tight?

2014 is shaping up to be the year of big security scares!



Dear Steven

Congratulations on reclaiming the ICT portfolio, I think I now know why you weren’t so keen on having a CTO for New Zealand. I know you have the skills, experience and battle scars to make this area really perform.

I think you now have the unique opportunity to pull it all together, across your portfolios you have all the ingredients required to make us an ICT powerhouse, you’ve got Research, Science and Technology (the areas that do the real R&D in this space & REANNZ – the real telco of the future today) that means access to the real latest thinking (not just what the vendors have to sell today)

With Tertiary Education you’ve got the means to turn that knowledge into skills and then those skills are needed in jobs for our kids (I’ve got two ‘minecraft’ trained budding robotics engineers who’ll be looking for jobs in the next 8-10 years). We need to both build ICT businesses and help all our business get more productive using ICT in smart, creative and effective ways.

Extending the UFB and getting to the nub of the real rural issues will help enormously, this time I’d love to see the true heroes of rural broadband included in the mix, the regional ISP’s are your secret weapon, they literally go the extra mile and are truly local. 

Just pulling together those threads will create great synergies and the team you’ll be able to assemble in your office and at your ministries can really make a difference.

And TUANZ is here to help, we don’t always agree but we are focused on the same objectives,  

Can’t wait until we get a chance to share our ideas with you too. 



NZ does have a CTO – Steven Joyce

Yesterday’s announcement of ministerial portfolio’s had the touch of experience, wisdom and smart thinking about it.

Actually it shows that the Government has absorbed the lessons of the election well, the itch that the ‘Internet Party’ was trying to scratch has been soothed, and the calls for a CTO for NZ have been answered with something even better.

Initially I was focused on Amy Adams retaining Communications and gaining Broadcasting, reflecting the fact that media is just content and hopefully pointing to some joined up thinking in that space,

I think an ironic consequence of the whole ‘Dirty Politics’ saga is that any illusions about ‘old’ media being somehow different and distinct have been shattered, the only difference is the delivery mechanism.

What slipped my attention was that ICT has returned to Steven Joyce, this is interesting because he is undoubtedly the architect of the ambitious projects that will give New Zealand a huge economic and social advantage in the decades that lie ahead. 

This is really good news, ICT has traditionally been seens as a relatively lowly portfolio that is used to train a new minister (this has been the case for both Steven and Amy), it has never been held at such a senior level before nor has it beem reclaimed before.  But I think it has dawned on the Government that ICT is going to be the platform that lets them keep delivering across all of their major portfolios without increasing taxes.

The third part of the new line up worth commenting on is the transfer of SIS and GCSB oversight to the Attorney General essentially moving the operational aspect of these agencies into a very legal framework. 

As I’ve said before I was pretty happy with the Government’s two new ICT initiatives, the 5% extension to the UFB target and the extra $150 million for rural broadband, my two unfulfilled hopes had been for a ‘CTO’ for New Zealand and a ‘Digital Bill of Rights’.

Well I actually think we may have sort of got both of those, separating the SIS and GCSB roles from the PM will put some welcome distance into cybersecurity and surveillance issues and Chris Finlayson could well be the architect of the real digital Magna Carta..

And having the 3rd most important cabinet minister take back ICT is actually way better than having an official who reports to the PM because it means that ICT is at every cabinet meeting and is going to be factored into every relevant government decision. Not just that Steven is very experienced at sorting out ICT projects, I suspect his Novopay experience could well earn him a CIO of the year nomination. 

When you add ICT in with his other portfolios such as Economic Development, Tertiary Education and Science and Innovation, he has the whole mix, research, skills, jobs and ICT driven economic growth. 

It’s funny because before the election Steven claimed we didn’t need a CTO because we had the GCIO (a role that really should report to him now), at the time I thought his response was flippant but now I think he wanted the role himsel.


Certain Uncertainty

This is a repost of an article from Internet NZ CEO Jordan Carter that ran in NBR last week:

18 Sep 2014

Things often come in threes – last week was no exception. One of our team members spoke with an international investment group keen to understand the current telco regulatory environment in NZ, read the submissions made on the Commerce Commission Final Pricing Principle (FPP) determination along with a letter from the Commission about the FPP process and finally there was the Appeal Court’s judgement and associated media regarding the Chorus appeal on the Commission’s Initial Pricing Principle (IPP) determination.

The discussion with international investors was incredibly enlightening despite how it sounds. It revolved around the topic of regulatory certainty. They are already investors here, and they want to invest more. However they also expressed concern with how the regulatory environment will play out in both the short term and the long term, causing them to review their investment intentions in New Zealand.

What they wanted, and this is echoed in a couple of the FPP submissions, is regulatory certainty. As do we.

Did this mean they wanted a guaranteed return on their investment? As all investors know, that is unlikely to happen as investment is in a sense like gambling: you could never absolutely guarantee anything. They said no, what they actually wanted, like any professional gambler, was to know the odds of any bet they were making. They were happy to take risks as long as those risks were understood and commensurate with the returns – but in the absence of any certainty about the odds, the risks become untenable.

This brings us to the third item – the Appeal Court’s rejection of the Chorus appeal against the Commerce Commission’s IPP pricing decision. From our perspective, this regulatory issue played out in a way that was so full of certainty that any sensible bookmaker would refuse to give odds – it was as certain as the result of the All Blacks playing Canada or Japan in the 2011 Rugby World Cup. 

As soon as the legislation was drafted and before Telecom was separated, we knew that the regulated price of copper would come down (the monopoly rents inherent in the price would be removed by that legislation). Most believed they understood what process the Commission would follow and within a reasonably narrow margin had some idea about what price the Commission would derive from that process – i.e. there was little regulatory uncertainty. 

All through the two year consultation process the only ones who expressed any surprise at the Commission’s decisions were Chorus and its investors. Corporate uncertainty, not regulatory uncertainty. So it came as no surprise that when the Commission made its final IPP pricing decision Chorus, as is their right, challenged it in the High Court. The judge was unequivocal in finding for the Commission and awarding costs. Chorus immediately sought leave to appeal and now the Court of Appeal has unsurprisingly confirmed the High Court decision. The Chorus response was “We’re clearly disappointed by today’s decision to maintain the status quo, but it is not entirely unexpected.”

This does beg a question: if Chorus was expecting the decision, why did it go down a path that seems, on the face of it, to create more uncertainty – when their investors have been saying they want certainty? 

The answer to that is relatively simple Chorus has little to lose – if it can get the regulated price of its copper services increased by 1 cent that would cover all the court costs and legal fees and a lot more besides – that really is a risk worth taking. But there may be more to it than that.

The Chorus media release went on to say “Today’s regulatory environment is completely out of kilter with the industry’s structure and the effective delivery of the Government’s policy. We felt it necessary to appeal the High Court’s decision to try to get some further clarification on the fundamental issues around pricing UBA in New Zealand.”

This is a surprising statement. The most recent major change to the regulatory environment was as a result of the Government changing the Telecommunications Act legislation in 2011 so that Chorus could separate from Telecom thereby bringing about the industry structure we have today. The changes were designedspecifically to suit today’s industry structure and today’s Government policy.  

Chorus/Telecom was well aware of the legislative changes and was heavily involved throughout the legislative process. Being so close to the process we would expect them to be better informed than nearly anyone else in the sector. They should have been able to forecast the impact of what those changes would be and also they signed up to the changes willingly, negotiated a raft of legislatively imposed regulatory moratoria to prepare them for the change and, not unrelatedly, got around $980m in a government UFB contract out of it. 

Which brings us to the present. The Appeal Court has provided another layer of certainty. Does this mean we’re at the end of the stoush? That’s unlikely. There was an expectation that once the Commerce Commission determined the IPP price , this would stay in place for at least a couple of years – not least because calculating the alternative FPP price is a complex and pretty much untested process in New Zealand and so should take the Commission at least two years to conclude. 

However, under pressure (mostly from Chorus and investors) the Commission is attempting to undertake the FPP determination quickly and in the opinion of many is doing so in undue haste. The mantra for this haste is certainty for investors, even though it may actually be contributing to uncertainty for investors. 

Based on their approach to date, we can expect a repeat of the appeal strategy from Chorus if the Commission’s FPP process arrives at a decision below the IPP price (a not unlikely scenario). If the Commission’s FPP price is to the liking of Chorus it will almost certainly not be to the liking of anyone else and we can expect a legal challenge from the other side. Perhaps in an effort to head off legal challenges from either side last week the Commission wrote to all the affected parties attempting to allay concerns that have been consistently expressed about the rushed process. Good as the Commission’s intentions are, it’s unlikely the letter will carry much weight when there is so much to gain and so little to lose by challenging any decision.

If Chorus wanted to provide certainty to investors it has one clear option to hand. It could simply accept the Appeal Court’s ruling, withdraw its application for an FPP final price and accept the IPP price will stay in place for two years.  The remainder of the industry would quickly follow suit and the Commission could undertake its investigations in a realistic time frame. 

All of this is business as usual: a stable, predictable regulatory framework operating precisely as intended, and precisely as expected. 

In the meantime the Government has strongly signalled that should it be re-elected not only will it pump a further ~ $350 million into the UFB and RBI projects’ but has also said that it does not intend to overturn any decision made by the Commission. The Government at least is providing as much certainty as it can.

Next year’s going to see an important conversation about the post-2020 regulatory environment. Getting that right will take time, but it has to be done. Focusing on that would be a much more savvy use of everyone’s time – including Chorus’s time – than fruitless court action or complaining about the framework in place today. To the extent any market player is doing the latter, they are simply seeking to get changes made that suit themselves, and at the expense of regulatory certainty and broadband users.



    What to park beside your ‘Gigahome’ – a 2015 BMW

    No sooner had I stopped dreaming about having a Primowireless UFB connected, smart ‘gigahome’ in Taranaki when this arrived in my inbox:

    Media Release
    23 September 2014

    Vodafone powers a new era of connected car innovation

    Vodafone is driving a new suite of vehicle innovation in New Zealand, with the launch of BMW’s interactive mobile technology, ConnectedDrive – enabled by Vodafone’s global machine-to-machine (M2M) platform.

    From today, most new 2015 BMW vehicles in the New Zealand market will be fitted with a special Vodafone Global SIM that connects BMW to its vehicle fleet.

    The SIM, embedded in the vehicle during manufacture, satisfies the tough requirements of the automotive sector. It has a lifespan of more than ten years and can withstand temperatures of between minus 40 and 85 degrees centigrade. It also has special protection against corrosion and was specifically designed for production line manufacturing operations. The SIM allows BMW to offer its online ConnectedDrive services and apps including:

    – Automatic emergency call in the case of an accident, with the transmission of important information to a dedicated emergency response centre
    – Smartphone app allowing remote vehicle functionality, including features such as remote locking and unlocking, remote ventilation control and vehicle locator
    – A dedicated 24/7 Concierge Service, allowing voice contact with a BMW agent who can send directions and addresses directly to your car’s navigation system
    – TeleService calls, which allow your car to communicate directly with BMW when it requires service or maintenance, and additionally allows remote diagnosis by technicians in the event of a vehicle malfunction

    In 2012, Vodafone Group signed a five-year connected car deal with BMW to supply connectivity to its vehicles – and now has 17.5 million Global SIMs and a footprint of 27 global networks.

    Vodafone New Zealand Director of Enterprise, Grant Hopkins says the partnership with BMW is among the world’s most successful and prominent M2M deployments.

    “Our network connectivity essentially transforms the vehicle dashboard into a sophisticated smart device, and delivers a driving experience that goes far beyond the conventional.

    “We’re delighted that the New Zealand market can experience this next level of mobile technology services from BMW – and believe we are on the cusp of some exciting future developments in the automotive M2M market.”

    For more than 20 years, Vodafone Group has connected M2M customers globally – and now tops the rankings in the 2014 Analysys Mason’s independent M2M annual scorecard.

    Vodafone New Zealand has more than one million M2M connections on its local network.


    — Vodafone Press Release 23 Sep

    That’s pretty cool and very soon you won’t even need a beemer to get smart car benefits, it does explain the Government’s desire to fix those pesky ‘black spots’ on the state highway network, the next round of crown limo’s will need the connectivity.

    My ‘when I win Lotto’ wish list just got longer.