Have you ever wondered about how much information companies such as Google have stored about you and what you do online? What about those things called cookies – are they tracking you? And how secure is your bank information? And that’s just you as an individual – what about the companies that you work for – how do you ensure that your customers feel they are safe when dealing with you?
We’ve pulled together an evening event where you can hear from the experts about these things. Our main keynote speaker is Ross Young from Google who will talk about what they store but also about how to be safe. How does incognito work, cloud (where it goes/how accessible it is for 3rd parties and general public). Born and bred in Wellington, Ross manages public policy for Google in New Zealand. After completing degrees in psychology and law, he worked in the public and private sectors in New Zealand and overseas – including the BBC, Vodafone Australia, Minority Rights Group International and the Commerce Commission. He lives in Wellington with his husband and exuberant 7 year old daughter.
I can promise you that this evening will be enlightening and you’ll come away with a better sense of what’s happening when you interact online.
Please note: The event opens at 5.00pm with the formal parts of the evening getting underway at 5.30pm.