Have you ever wondered about how much information companies have stored about you and what you do online? How secure is your bank information? And that’s just you as an individual – what about the companies that you work for – how do you ensure that your customers feel they are safe in dealing with you?
We’ve pulled together an evening event where you can hear from the experts about these things, as well as some of the scary stories about what is really going on in the dark side of cyber crime.
Our first keynote speaker is Philip Whitmore, who will provide an overview on some of the “highlights” in the cyber crime world over the last year as well as looking forward to some of the emerging trends that we should all be mindful over the next little while.
Philip is a partner at KPMG where he leads their Cyber Security and Technology Risk practices in New Zealand. With over 20 years of practical experience in the provision of information security advisory, he brings not only his knowledge but also a wealth of stories to any presentation he gives.
We can promise you that this evening will be enlightening and you’ll come away with a better sense of what’s happening when you interact online.
Please note: The event opens at 5.00pm with the formal parts of the evening getting underway at 5.30pm.