Why we can’t let two players dominate the 700MHz spectrum auction

Thank you for the opportunity to submit on the rules regarding the upcoming 700MHz spectrum auction.

TUANZ (the Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand) is a strong advocate for increased competition, and as such has lobbied hard to improve the conditions for new entrants into the market, so as to increase customer choice.

The mobile market has, as you know, recently moved from a two-player duopoly to a truly competitive environment for the first time and TUANZ is determined to encourage the growth of competition in the years ahead.

The 700MHz auction gives us an opportunity to ensure that competition is continued in the newly emerging world of 4G or LTE networks.
Rather than restating our pro-competition position again, TUANZ would like to see the following issues addressed through the auction process.

1: Fair distribution of spectrum
TUANZ is concerned that any move to allow two players to buy up to 2x20MHz of spectrum will result in a duopoly in terms of 700MHz spectrum. Given that we’ve only just begun to see competition in the mobile space, this would be a catastrophe and TUANZ encourages MBIE to make sure that doesn’t happen. Allowing a maximum of three lots of 2x15MHz each would ensure that an even and fair apportionment takes place.

2: Price
The recent debacle of the Australian spectrum auction shows that too high a reserve price can mean limited competition for spectrum. TUANZ hopes New Zealand can learn from this example and set the reserve price at a level that encourages all three network operators to bid on spectrum.TUANZ suggests looking at recent European pricing as a guideline for reserve pricing.

Notwithstanding Treasury’s keenness to maximise its return through this auction, TUANZ would like to remind all participants that the real benefit of 700MHz spectrum comes through the deployment of networks, not through an initial cash grab. To that end, TUANZ would like to see the reserve price set at a low level so as to give the telcos the funding to deploy networks as quickly as possible.

3: Payment terms
TUANZ suggests two courses of action with regard to the payment terms for any winners. First, payments are suspended until network deployment takes place. Currently there are no devices that will use 700MHz and it will be at least a year post-auction before the telcos are in a position to offer service using 700MHz. It would seem prudent to base payments around this schedule. That supposes there is also a “use it or lose it” clause – something that TUANZ would support.

Second, payments should be spread over the life of the asset – that is, apportioned payments each year for the 18 years of the management rights period. This will help all three mobile network operators to free up cash to spend on the network deployment.

This is in line with the Minister’s comments regarding the true economic value of the spectrum being tied to its use, not to its sale.
TUANZ’s overriding concern in this process is for competition. We have seen what having a third entrant in the market can do in terms of products, service and pricing and we would not like to see the New Zealand market drop back to a two-player duopoly.

(This is TUANZ’s submission on the spectrum auction sale process)

Anything can happen day

Wednesday, for those who remember the Mickey Mouse Club or
Angel Heart, is “Anything Can Happen Day” and yesterday was no exception.

In just two hours there were three announcements that
radically re-shape the telco space. Not too shabby.

First off the ranks we have Orcon’s Genius Go product, which
sparks the beginning of the end of a $3bn a year industry.

Genius Go allows you to have your landline number on your
mobile phone (or tablet, I presume). The call is forwarded to your mobile over
VoIP so works best on wifi as opposed to 3G but means you can be out of the
house and get calls wherever you are. Anywhere. Even overseas. Your caller will
make a local call to your number and only pay for that call (free from a
residential number) not for the call to your mobile or for the international

This isn’t new as such, but Orcon certainly makes it very
easy and very cost effective. There’s no call forwarding charge, you don’t have
to pay a set monthly fee – if you’re an Orcon Genius customer it’s yours for
the taking. Best of all, it integrates with your mobile phone’s contact list so
you have the advantages of a mobile device (caller ID etc) without paying those
ridiculous fees associated with these basic services on a landline.

Voice is now just an app on the device and, as we roll into
the 4G world, that will increasingly become the norm. That little green
telephone icon you see on your phone will be replaced with … a little green
telephone icon but instead of paying a per minute charge, you’ll just use data
for the call. Orcon says a five minute call (most calls last less than five
minutes) will take up about 2MB of data. In short, you won’t care terribly

So that’s voice calling. Not quite dead yet, but I bet in
five years’ time we’ll be looking back on it fondly (or similar).

Simultaneously, Slingshot rather cheekily launched Global
, a service aimed at US and UK “visitors” to New Zealand which will allow
them to access content “as they would have in their home country”.

That’s right, sign up for Global Mode and Slingshot will
fudge your DNS settings so it looks like you’re visiting websites from a US or
UK address, and so will allow “visitors” to view Hulu, Netflix and BBC iPlayer
content without those pesky geo-block problems.

It’s free for Slingshot customers.

I have no need of such a service as my aunt, who lives in
the UK, posts VHS tapes of the latest television shows to me on a regular
basis. Good on you, aunty.

Finally, but by no means least, Coliseum Sports Media
announced it has bought the rights to the English Premier League football (I’m
sorry, I can’t call it soccer) and will screen it online in New Zealand for
$149 a season. TVNZ will offer a highlights package on free to air TV, something which reminded Russell Brown of the history between TVNZ and Sky TV.

Finally, we have a real online-first content offering that
will provide a driver for UFB, something which has been sorely lacking until

Yes, it’ll work on copper but in a world where I’m watching
one online event, my wife is doing something else and the kids are both on
their devices doing their homework (or similar) we will absolutely need fibre.

There’s not a lot of detail about the Coliseum offering – we
don’t know whether it will be streamed in high definition as default for
example – but two questions spring to mind.

First off, what about the 25% of New Zealand that will never
get a fibre connection? What are they supposed to do when the vast bulk of our
content is finally made available primarily online? Can you imagine the uproar
from rural New Zealand if and when the rugby bosses wake up to the revenue
opportunity and offer a similar package for every All Blacks game? It won’t
just be tractors on the steps of parliament I can tell you.

Secondly, the price is a bit wacky. Sure, it’s for a year
(and as I mentioned we don’t know the ins and outs of the deal – will you be
able to watch any game at any time, for instance) but if I want to buy
football, rugby, netball and Canadian ice hockey I’m looking at the thick end
of $1000 a year before we even get to TV and movies.

I had a look at Sky TV’s offerings to compare prices. To get
everything (all the channels except for the oddball “specialist channels”)
including two magazines and a My Sky + box and HD you’re looking at just over
$2230 a year. Yes, you get a lot more but that’s really the point of all this –
it might not be stuff you want or would ever chose to buy.

The future delivery mechanism for video content is online –
that goes without saying (although I do find I have to keep saying it). If the
content owners want us to buy TV shows or series, sporting events and movies,
they’re going to have to move to a model that lets us pick and choose from what’s
on offer and they’re going to have to adjust the pricing to match.

The upside is that shows with a following will do very well.
Top Gear, for example, has nearly 300m viewers a week. At a dollar a show I
suspect even Jeremy Clarkson would be happy. Get it down to that kind of price
point and the move to online will move from a trickle to a flood.

Unbundling – the elephant in the room

Ten years ago I wrote dozens of stories about unbundling.

Unbundling was seen by everyone (except Telecom and some of
its financial industry chums) as the panacea to the problem of competition in
the New Zealand landline market.

Basically, wholesale access just wasn’t working and without
the added pressure of unbundling, there was little chance of bringing the price
of broadband down.

Financial advisors were aghast at the idea. How dare you
tinker with the country’s leading stock, they said. I got into a heated
argument with the head of the Shareholders Association who couldn’t see the impact
that high broadband prices were having on every other business in the land.

Eventually we got unbundling. Competitors were welcome to
put their equipment in Telecom’s exchanges and offer their own services over
Telecom’s lines.

I attended the launch at the Ponsonby exchange and it felt
good after discussing it for so long. Finally, we would see the market open up
to competition at its most basic. Finally, we would see differentiated products
and services  and ISPs would be able to
sell me a symmetrical service, or a VDSL service, or one with a terabyte of
data if they wanted. No more “any colour so long as it’s Telecom approved”.

I’m using an unbundled connection to deliver this copy
today. It’s markedly faster than the wholesale equivalent I had before and its
variability is a lot less random. Instead of micro-outages and slowdowns all
day long I get a consistent, quality connection – albeit at ADSL2+ speeds.

However, I’m one of very few customers. Within days of the
launch at the Ponsonby exchange, Telecom announced the closure of most of its
exchanges and the deployment of cabinets deep into the network. It was a cold
and cynical move extremely well played which simultaneously offered some
customers with better speeds (Point Chevalier in Auckland, for example) while strangling
competition in its infancy.

The economics of unbundling dozens of lines in a cabinet are
a lot harder than unbundling thousands of lines in an exchange. Telecom knew
this and by cabinetising its network it denied roughly half of the market to
its ISP rivals.

All of which should be ancient history but is suddenly
extremely important again.

Post de-merger Telecom is now on the countdown to being able
to unbundle that same network, now owned by Chorus and that’s proving to be a
major bargaining chip in the fight over Chorus’s wholesale pricing.

As part of the Telco Act introduced in 2011, Telecom isn’t
allowed to unbundle until the end of next year. Not coincidentally, that’s in the
same time frame that Chorus will be required to move from “retail minus”
pricing to “cost plus” pricing for its wholesale service.

Chorus has had warning that this was coming since before it
was incorporated.  It’s had a three year
delay built in to this change to allow it time to prepare itself, according to
the regulatory impact statement prepared by officials on the Telco Act. Even
its own prospectus signals the problem that the move will present for the

Chorus is, however, hell bent on making sure the price doesn’t
drop precipitously.  This is entirely
proper – Chorus is an incorporated company and has shareholders to consider. It
must by law maximise their return on investment and if that means standing up
at a Commerce Commission hearing and saying with a straight face that it doesn’t
see why a move to cost based pricing will result in much of a change to its
price, then so be it.

Unbundling is, however, the elephant in the room.

If Chorus convinces the Commerce Commission or indeed the
Minister that the move to cost-based pricing is absurd and that the price of wholesale
broadband should remain high, then that gives Telecom the trigger it needs to
unbundle the network.

Telecom has roughly 55% market share of all broadband
services and if it jumped into the unbundling market, it would significantly
impact on Chorus’s revenue stream.

At the Commission’s conference, Telecom said it doesn’t want
to unbundle. That wouldn’t be its first choice because the cost would be quite
high and that money should be better spent on fibre services. But, if Chorus
keeps its wholesale price where it is today, Telecom will have no choice but to
consider it.

That should make Chorus’s blood run cold. If Telecom
unbundles, it joins Vodafone, CallPlus and Orcon as both the largest buyers of
wholesale service and largest unbundlers of the copper network.

Ten years ago I’d have thought that was a good thing. Today,
staring as we are down the barrel of a fibre deployment, it’s a complete waste
of everyone’s money.

Ten years ago it would have made a world of difference to
the competitive landscape. Today, it’s throwing money away on an outdated
technology. Yet that’s precisely what will happen if Chorus is successful in
its mission to keep the wholesale rate high. Ultimately it will be
counter-productive and result in less money being spent on fibre services and
an entrenched ISP market that has invested heavily in copper. That may well
delay the retail ISPs’ move into the fibre world at a time when it will be
critical that we all move as quickly as possible.

Looking back on unbundling it hasn’t delivered the hoped for
benefits. The old Telecom did a tremendous job of keeping competition at bay
for as long as possible and then hacking it off at the knees once it was
allowed in. If we’d had access to unbundled capability when we should have the
landscape would be quite different today. It was an opportunity that we missed
because of a world view that said we have one strong telco and that’s all we

If that sounds familiar, it should.


Get secret pricing deals off the table – Consumer, InternetNZ, TUANZ

“Trying to do a deal on prices would undermine the important role an independent regulator has to play in setting them.”

“Customers are poorly served by the telecommunications industry working together in secret to fix the price of wholesale broadband.”
Media release – 13 July 2013

Consumer, InternetNZ and the Telecommunications Users Association responded today to a report in the Dominion Post that the telecommunications industry was seeking to negotiate a price for the wholesale copper broadband service known as UBA.
A Commerce Commission conference to help determine the regulated price of that service concludes in Wellington today, with the telco industry negotiations understood to seek to influence a forthcoming discussion paper on a regulatory review of the Telco Act announced by Communications Minister Amy Adams in February.

TUANZ CEO Paul Brislen says the best way to resolve the issue of pricing rules for a monopoly service like UBA is through open and transparent discussion. “If the report in today’s paper is accurate, it seems that some in the industry would prefer to see a deal done in private, and without the scrutiny of users,” he says.

InternetNZ Acting Chief Executive Jordan Carter says “Industry discussion and input on the policy framework and to help inform the regulatory review is a good thing, because government decisions should be well informed”.
Consumer CEO Sue Chetwin says “A line is crossed if specific prices are being discussed – that moves the matter from an intelligent debate about the best possible policy framework, to what looks like a stitch-up – or worse, a cartel”.
These kinds of back room deals are rarely good for consumers and it puts us in the awful position of the industry sitting down together to set pricing without reference to either customers or to the regulator, say the three Chief Executives.

None of our organisations are in the loop with these conversations, and none of us want to be. We won’t talk about prices, and neither should the industry: that’s a job for the Commerce Commission. We will make our points about the review in public. We urge the industry to take the same view.

“Setting the rules and setting the prices are two different jobs. The review is about reviewing the pricing rules. The regulator has the job of setting the prices. Trying to do a deal on prices would undermine the important role an independent regulator has to play in setting them. Without that protection, consumers are unlikely to get a fair deal,” the CEOs conclude.

Managing Expectations

I’m writing this from the Commerce Commission conference into the cost of wholesale services delivered by Chorus.

This service is regulated as Chorus is a monopoly provider. It is really the only provider of copper lines in the country and as a monopoly it is regulated accordingly.

The pricing principle underlining the Commerce Commission’s approach has changed. In 2010 a new Telco Act was introduced that foresaw the split of Telecom into Telecom and Chorus. As part of that split, the government realised it could no longer rely on a “retail minus” pricing model as Chorus would no longer have any retail products. Instead, the Telco Act says the Commission must move to a “cost plus” model. That is, instead of taking the retail prices in the market and taking off a regulated percentage to deliver a wholesale price point, the Commission would look at the price of delivering the service at the base level and add a margin to that.

You may remember the debate around the introduction of the new Telco Act. It focused almost entirely on the ten-year regulatory holiday the government slipped in to the Supplementary Order Paper that came with the bill. Indeed, the SOP was larger than the bill itself and led to many thousands of words being written by journalists around the country on this unusual approach.

As the debate ground on, with little sign of victory for those of us that supported the Commerce Commission’s role and the need for an independent regulator, the one redeeming feature of the bill was this decision to move to a cost-plus model.

Eventually we won the day with regard to the regulatory holiday. Backroom political machinations saw the government drop the clause, although the level of political interference in the regulatory regime since then has been alarming, to put it mildly.

All that happened before Telecom split in two. Indeed, all this took place before Chorus was incorporated and floated on the stock exchange. It should have been no surprise to anyone, least of all Chorus or its shareholders – especially given the inclusion of a three year delay because of the impact this change to the pricing model would have on both Telecom and Chorus.

We expected a major drop in wholesale price. Telecom CEO Simon Moutter says he also expected a similar drop and today we heard from CallPlus’s Graham Walmsley about his experience installing copper equipment and selling as a wholesale player to ISPs. Graham says his experience is that the UBA draft price is far too high and that he is selling a product that includes voice capability at a price point that is lower than the draft price today.

For years, Telecom managed to keep the price of wholesale services high by managing its suite of retail products so as to retain one or two highly-priced products. That way the “wholesale” price was artificially high.

As I write we’re hearing from economists who (with a straight face) are suggesting they didn’t expect any drop in terms of price with the move from retail minus to cost plus. They’re earning their money today.

If anyone at Chorus, or at any of its investors, was caught by surprise by the drop in price, they need to find a new line of work. It was obvious even to a non-economist, non-lawyer like me.

The solution for Chorus is simple. Any price drop can be offset by launching other products that aren’t regulated and which offer a higher return on its investment. Failing that, it should take a close look at its dividend to shareholders which currently sits at 25 cents per share.

More to follow.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

I’ve spent the past few days talking to various journalists about the GCSB, Big Brother and spying on citizens.

To be honest, I’m a tad uncomfortable with the whole thing. Spies, spooks and state surveillance are a bit “tin foil hat” for my liking. I’ve had several emails and phone calls to the effect that I should watch out for black helicopters and that the only thing stopping the drone strike is my cellphone dropping out (seriously, what is that about? Central Auckland, no less).

In a theoretical world, the spies would spy on high priority folk like diplomats and bomb makers and other spies. They’d have secret alliances and counter-alliances and no doubt secret handshakes as well. We commoners would be below the radar and we’d be left alone to get on in peace.

In a theoretical world, we wouldn’t be bothered by any of this kind of nonsense and the only time we’d care is when the spies leave their briefcases (complete with meat pies, copies of Playboy and a file marked “TOP SECRET”) in a taxi in Wellington somewhere. Then we’d all have a laugh and go back to work.

Sadly we don’t live in such a world. Instead, we face a security service that seems keen on the idea of storing all our online communications in perpetuity on the off chance that some years from now they might want to have a poke around and pull something out that could be juicy enough to justify their endeavours. It could be a politician who is making life difficult for them, it could be a department head they’d rather see the back of, it could be a journalist who has a source and won’t say who it is.

Just as bad, if not worse, is the model that this surveillance will take. Instead of user pays, the expectation is that the telcos will have to pay for it. Store every email, TXT message and the “metadata” about every phone call? No problem – make the telcos do it. They won’t want to keep that kind of information, of course. TXT messages alone take up terabytes of space and it’s only growing. Apparently the world’s data doubles every two years – currently (according to the internet so it must be true) we have around 1.8 zettabytes of data. I have no idea how many zeros that is but the handy graphic says it’s roughly 200 billion HD movies each running for two hours.

Storing all the transient stuff (typically the “metadata” that the spooks like because they can access it without a warrant in the US) is non-trivial and is a cost the telcos wouldn’t carry other than at the behest of the government. We will end up carrying that cost, of course, because telcos pass on costs to customers.

And really, do you want a spy agency bogged down with petabytes of cat videos, Facebook postings and tweets about breakfast? Wading through that lot is also non-trivial and frankly just asking for trouble.

I also wonder just what heinous crime has been committed against New Zealand’s sovereignty that requires such a drastic step as spying on every New Zealander’s online lives. Did I miss the terrorist strike? Is Tasmania poised to invade us? Did a secretive German industrialist set up shop in New Zealand with a plan for world domination? Other than the ones we know about, obviously.

I can think of no rationale for a system that allows intelligence agencies (through a legal sleight of hand) to gather and retain information about my day to day life.

This then is the reason I’m opposed to increasing our own intelligence agencies’ abilities in this area. It isn’t based on practical matters such as cost or signal-to-noise ratio. It’s based on the basic premise that we are innocent until proven guilty and that government in all its various forms should keep its nose out of my business, regardless of how banal or tedious my life actually is.

The new GCSB bill and Telecommunications Interception bill are before parliament at the moment. Submissions on the Interception bill are due by the 13th of June and given the news breaking in the US and UK this week we’ve asked for an extension to that time line so we can better understand just what these two bills mean for New Zealanders. It’s important we get this right as there are a lot of moving parts so we need the extra time to really come to grips with just what is being proposed. Is it going to be a police state or will we retain our right to privacy. That’s what’s at stake here.

The government and the big corporation

For the better part of a decade, we watched as one
government after another chose to back the needs of Telecom over and above the
needs of the broader industry or the voters of New Zealand.

Time and again we heard from Maurice Williamson, minister of
communications for most of the 1990s, that if Telecom continued to step out of
line he would be forced to act. In the end the voters acted and a new era of
regulation began.

I often wondered why a political animal like Williamson
would get so far off side with his voting constituents. Why he couldn’t see the
constant growl of angry customers and a brow-beaten industry. Williamson isn’t
stupid – he’s played the parliamentary game for a very long time and knows that
ultimately the voters will conduct his performance review and if he wants to
retain power, that’s all he should be concerned with.

He was also one of only a handful of MPs to have a
smartphone (a BlackBerry if memory serves) and one of the few who would answer
emails. I remember one outraged journalist at the time being told he couldn’t
be added to the press release email list because the government wasn’t made of
money. These days it’s getting the buggers to stop adding us to the lists
that’s uppermost in mind.

Reg Hammond, over at InternetNZ, has an interesting take on
the matter. He suggests that for the big decisions Telecom sidestepped the
minister and went straight to the PM and that something similar may well have
happened with the furore over Chorus’s wholesale price determination.

Chorus denies this, as does the current minister of
communications, Amy Adams, but on the day the Commerce Commission announced its
draft determination the first responder from the government was indeed the
Prime Minister, who suggested that the Commission could make all the
recommendations it liked and that it was up to the government to decide whether
to go with those recommendations or not.

Sorry, but that’s not how the regulatory regime works – the
Commission gets to decide the price point because that’s the only way to keep
governments at arm’s length.

You need to keep governments out of such regulatory matters
because governments are typically compromised – they are large-scale investors,
they are large-scale customers and they are the policy makers. To include
‘regulator’ in that line-up is to court disaster as we saw during the 1990s in
both New Zealand and Australia.

The regulatory regime set up in 2001 was extremely light
handed and it failed to deliver results for quite some time. Spectacularly, it
saw New Zealand receive the dubious honour of being the only country apart from
Mexico to reject unbundling of the local loop. Mexico, let us not forget, is
home to the richest man in the world – Carlos Slim – who made his money out of
telecommunications. Currently Slim controls 70% of the mobile market in Mexico
and 80% of the fixed line market and the Mexican government is hoping to
introduce some kind of regulation that will reduce his control of what they
have belated realised is the backbone of the nation’s infrastructure.

If we had one provider with that level of control you’d hope
it would incur the wrath of the regulator because one player at that level is
tantamount to disaster for the users and for the country as a whole. Australia
saw Telstra rise to that level and beyond in the 1990s but because the Aussie
government retained ownership long after it should have divested its
shareholding, the regulator was unable to break Telstra’s stranglehold on the
infrastructure. The reign of CEO Sol Trujillo is best remembered for his hiring
of a team of former colleagues to produce a strategy for the company which was
paid for by Telstra and which ensured he received his bonus for delivering said
strategy on time. Oddly, it looked remarkably like the strategy of his
predecessor and after four years of declining revenue (Wikipedia claims he
underperformed the Aussie stock market by 20% costing the company A$25bn) he
left with a grand payout as only telco bosses can receive.

Today the Australian market is a mess, with Telstra
dominating both fixed and mobile sectors, no strong second-place competitor in
sight and a government unable to achieve its potential even with a promised
A$42bn spend on fibre.

If we look at the New Zealand market similar competition
alarm bells should be ringing. We have two companies that don’t just dominate
the market, they ARE the market. Telecom and Vodafone account for 90% market
share of the mobile revenue and a similar number in the fixed line space. At any
level of the market, whether it be local calling, toll calling, mobile data,
backhaul, international connectivity or TXT messaging, in terms of revenue we
see two names repeated over and again.

Yes, we have 2Degrees winning customers in the mobile space.
Yes, we have CallPlus and Orcon and others fighting the good fight in the fixed
line space. But when it comes to revenue we’re in single digits for market
share for everyone other than Telecom and Vodafone.

This isn’t a situation the market can sustain or which the
government can ignore. The question is, how will the government handle the
responsibility of getting us out of this situation? Sidelining the regulator is
not a good start.

Next week the Commerce Commission will hold its conference
to discuss the issue of Chorus’s wholesale pricing. TUANZ will be attending and
I’ll report back in next week’s newsletter.


Guest Post: Data vampires

Guest post from John Allen of Rural Connect (originally posted 6 June). 

Broadband retail service providers have a tendency to waggle their finger at the consumer when things go awry.  But a review of the telco industry’s proposed Product Disclosure Code does not go far enough to banish this attitude.

The classic example of this blaming attitude occurred back in 2009/10 around Telecom’s ‘Big Time’ and ‘Go Large’ broadband plans.

Released in July 2009, the Big Time plan offered unlimited speed and, more importantly, uncapped data.

At the time, this was the only plan offering unlimited data, so thousands of customers flocked to sign up to it. Which of course is why it was offered.

The plan was pulled less than 12 months later because of an “extreme minority” that downloaded huge amounts of data.  Telecom managed data traffic by throttling speeds, but some users found a way around this, making the plan “increasingly hard to manage and keep in market.”

Telecom placed the blame for the plan’s demise on its customers.  It said that “as the only ISP offering unlimited data, it ended up with all the vampires”.  Meaning tech savvy, high volume users switched to Telecom to take advantage of the uncapped data.

Telecom would have known that an uncapped data plan would result in some users consuming as much data as they could possibly suck down.  The infamous ‘Go Large’ plan from 2006 would have taught them that.

Go Large promised, “unlimited data usage and all the internet you can handle” and “maximum speed internet”.  It did not deliver this and in 2009, the Commerce Commission brought a prosecution that resulted in a $500,000 fine under the Fair Trading Act.

The practice of discussing maximum speeds possible for a broadband technology still occurs but is now not so prevalent.  Witness news reports touting Vodafone’s new 4G mobile broadband service as reaching speeds of up to 100Mbps.

That speed is hypothetical and simply will not be realised in everyday use.

The Telecom example now ensures that hypothetical maximum speeds are not mentioned in contracts or advertsing.

Which is in part what the proposed Product Disclosure Code is about – providing telecommunications Retail Service Providers with minimum standards for the disclosure of information about Broadband Plans.

There are six principles to the code.

First is about making product information clear, readable and easy to find and understand.

Second is that an appropriate level of detailed information is available to consumers at the right point in time.

Third is to use clear, standardised terms and language to allow for easy comparisons.

Number four is that plan information be kept up to date.

Next is providing consumers with accurate and reasonable assessments of how Broadband Plans are priced, will perform, and the technology used.

Finally is transparency around Broadband Plan features and price, including any restrictions.

The first four principles are all fine and proper and will enable Consumers to make easier comparisons between different offers.

The last two is where the issues become grey.

For example, the code does not require telcos to be consistent in what news articles say compared to what their advertising and contracts detail.

The main issue is that RSPs should give the bottom line of their service’s performance.  Not the top line, or even an average line.  For example, the bottom line on Vodafone’s RBI service is that in times of high usage, speeds may drop to the design limit of 45kbps.

That’s around dial-up speed and had Telecom’s Go Large plan detailed that, the vampires would have been fewer and also blameless.




Please let me give you money

Last week someone
tweeted about how good the BBC iPlayer is and I got very angry.

The iPlayer is
(despite the Apple-esque name) the BBC’s foray into providing its content in a
user-friendly, online manner.

The Beeb has its own
version of TVNZ’s defunct charter (well, more properly TVNZ had a version of
the BBC one) which they have chosen to interpret as requiring the BBC to make
its content available to Britons in any manner they can. No limits on this
service – that’s the benefit of having a TV tax that funds one free-to-air
provider I suppose.

Although I’ve got a
red passport still, I can’t see the iPlayer because I live outside the UK. Yes,
there’s a global version of the iOS app, but I can’t get it because it’s not
available in the New Zealand app store.

It looks lovely. Not
only can you search and watch TV shows but you can queue them up so you have a
set “channel” if you like. Some real thought has been put in to making it user
friendly and worthwhile.

Here’s the thing – I
would pay for access to the content. I would. I would help swell the BBC’s
coffers by giving them money which they, in turn, could use to make more
television programmes which I would then pay for.

Unfortunately they
don’t want my money.

Netflix is in a
similar position. It too cannot approach me directly, cannot sell me content
legally because of the asinine TV rights model which sees programmes sold to
regional players who on sell to local networks who onsell…

I’m reminded of the PC
channel wars of the late 1990s when Dell entered the market. Forget Dell’s
current market position (PCs are dead, didn’t you know?) – when it arrived on
the scene Dell swept the old world order aside.

A former head of HP
New Zealand once explained it to me like this. HP doesn’t sell PCs to
customers, it sells them to a regional distributor. The distributor doesn’t
sell PCs to customers, it sells them to a local distributor. That distributor
doesn’t sell PCs to customers, it sells them to a local retailer (a VAR or
“value-add reseller”). That VAR doesn’t sell them to customers, it sells them
to a retail partner (a “shop”) which finally sells the PC to the customer.

Every link in the
chain “adds value” by which of course we mean cost.

Compare that with
Dell’s model which was to simply sell computers to customers. Dell wouldn’t
even build the computer until someone wanted it, which meant it never had that
panicky moment when one model doesn’t sell particularly well and you’re stuck
with a warehouse full of them.

This is the TV market
as we have it today, except for one important difference. I can get my TV for
free within minutes of it airing in the US or UK or Guatemala because I can
pirate it. I don’t have to wait until the channel finally gets round to delivering
it to me – I can get it myself.

This poses a huge
problem for the people who make and sell television content in a way that never
occurred in the PC market. It was never easy to parallel import a PC but it’s
child’s play to parallel import a TV show.

Several people told me
to pull my head in and just use either a VPN service or some kind of DNS work
around to get to the content I want, but I refuse to do this. In effect I would
be lying to a company (committing fraud in my view) in order to give them money
and thus support a business model that is failing. I’d rather they acknowledge
the world has moved on and simply let me pay them directly for the content.
That’s obviously where all this is going so why not just get out of the way and
let me give them money?

A year ago, Netflix
accounted for one third of all US internet traffic. Today it’s closer to half.
Netflix is paying content makers to provide TV shows which it will air directly
to customers.

Netflix is bigger than
piracy and if the TV content makers don’t hurry up and figure out that we want
to watch television and are willing to pay for it, then the problem they face
is one of extinction, pure and simple.

Quite where that
leaves television in New Zealand is a vitally important issue. Television is married
to local culture in a way that no other medium can quite claim and if we’re to
continue to have a local TV service we have to figure out a way to fund it.
Personally I’d rather pay for that than pay for a dodgy VPN provider just so I
can watch television.

Will we see the return of the cosy duopoly?

The government is gearing up to sell management rights to the 700MHz spectrum in the next few months and hopefully we’ll see LTE mobile service deployed throughout the country in the not too distant future.

The auction itself is key to the future of the mobile telco sector in New Zealand and there are a couple of worrying signs in the information that’s been released so far.

All together we’re looking at 45MHz in total. We have three mobile operators so that would be three lots of 15MHz each. Nice and simple, it means we have equal opportunity for mobile network deployments and each network operator will be able to offer the same level of throughput as the other operators.

However, that doesn’t take into account the technology itself. LTE is clever stuff and will allow network operators to combine together spectrum from a variety of different bands to create a massive network with potential for hundreds of megabits per second.

If that’s to happen, we need to address ownership of all available spectrum, not just the 700MHz spectrum in isolation.

What really worries me, however, is the note in the press release that says the 700MHz spectrum will indeed be sold off in 5MHz blocks with no operator able to buy more than 15MHz. Unless there’s a lack of interest, in which case the Ministry may increase that limit to 20MHz.

Two operators with 20MHz and a third with nothing or at best 5MHz would destroy our newly emerging mobile network competitive market.

For too long we struggled with a cosy duopoly in our mobile market. Two players does not make for a dynamic market – it makes for a carefully managed, steady-as-she-goes, don’t rock the boat approach to pricing and services. It’s natural, it’s what happens in every industry and it’s entirely hopeless.

Today we have three network operators with two and a half networks. If we want to ensure a three player market in 4G (something the Aussies have already got wrong) then we have to ensure the auction is conducted in such a way as to make that a priority.

I know Treasury thinks it can make a windfall from the auction. I know the government will, in these difficult economic times, be eager for a boost to the coffers from those greedy telcos. But the true economic impact comes later, once the networks are deployed. It’s only then, when we have competition and capability, that we see the benefits such deployment can bring. The government itself acknowledges that – now it must manage the bean counters to make sure they don’t get too carried away with dollar signs in their eyes.

I’d go so far as to simply offer up the spectrum at no cost. Think what 2Degrees could do with its network deployment if it didn’t have to invest $100m or more in spectrum. That’s serious money for a network rollout that will bring competition to the masses.

Think I’m a Communist? We have precedent. We’re talking here about a 20 year monopoly on these spectrum lots, given away in the belief that the economic gain will be tremendous. If that sounds familiar then it should – that’s the argument the government uses to sell its Sky City convention centre deal. Why not use the same logic here?