Entries by tuanzadmin

Kim Dot Com is right…

About one thing anyway, and that is that we need fibre to 98% of New Zealand.  5.2. Universal access Fibre for all: The Internet Party believes that fibre broadband is essential infrastructure if New Zealand is to become a global leader in the digital age. The goal is fibre to the premises of the 97.8 […]

For all you radio geeks.

MBIE (the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment) have just announced a review of the Radio Communications Act 1989. Before you yawn and click off, take a moment to think about all the radios that you use every day without even thinking about it: Wifi, bluetooth, your mobile, your car radio, your baby monitor and […]

Policy worth stealing

Everybody’s favourite mayor is thinking big, and he’s picked on 3 of my favourite topics, 5G, broadband as infrastructure and publishing every homes broadband speeds. As London becomes the bright shining center of the European tech scene, it’s only natural that the city would like to maintain its place at the top of the pile. […]

Is Broadband a real estate issue?

Do you think we’ll reach a tipping point where ‘broadband’ stops being a technology issue and becomes a real estate issue instead? This is a thought that has struck me a few times in the last 15 years or so. The reason is that good fixed line broadband is basically binary, you either have it […]

Labours ICT policy pt2…

I’ve just got back from a press conference at parliament where David Cunliffe & Clare Curran launched the second part of their ICT policy. The first bit was done a couple of weeks ago at Nethui, my thoughts are here. As an outsider it was fascinating to watch the ‘gallery’ in action and quite a […]

The real big game continues…

Readers of this blog will remember the so called ‘Copper Tax’ campaign from the end of last year. Things may have seemed a little quiet on that front lately, but behind the scenes there’s quite a bit going on. The latest skirmish to surface burst onto the scene with a press release from the Commerce […]

We’ve become used to good news

Sometimes reality can bite, and that looks to be the case with the latest TrueNet report on rural broadband, which has actually seen real world performance of rural broadband connections decline. This is surprising because a review of the RBI spin machine leads you to believe that its all sorted, the problem is that it […]

A real crime story you don’t want to be part of

Be afraid, be very afraid… An active, non-pre paid telephone number, whether real or virtual, fixed or mobile is essentially a form of unlimited, unsecured credit. There really are bad guys out there probing for unsecured lines and this can bizarrely turn our telco’s into unwitting mafia debt collectors. In the last few weeks, I’ve […]

Can we call it the Chorus Crisis yet?

I’m sitting here in #gigatownporirua putting the finishing touches on TUANZ’s submission to the Commerce Commission on Chorus’s proposed ‘Boost HD’ unregulated copper products when my inbox is filled with the announcement of the deal made by CFH and Chorus to provide essentially an advance of $178 million in the event of the current ComCom […]

Is the RBI fit for the ‘Internet of Cows?’

If you Google the ‘Internet of Cows‘ you will see that not only is it a serious topic, its also one that we in New Zealand should take very seriously. If you want to get all agri-techie follow some of the links to get an idea of what is coming for Daisy and Buttercup. But […]