TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ Chair welcomes future leader to the board

27th September 2017

At last week’s Annual General Meeting, TUANZ Chair Pat O’Connell welcomed the return of all re-standing members to the TUANZ board, saying that their re-election shows that members back the direction of the organisation as it moves forward.  He also welcomed one new member, Clayton Balle of Westpac, who for the last 12 months has also been part of the Auckland leadership team for FLINT, TUANZ’s future leaders programme.

“The appointment of Clayton to the board members shows that there is real engagement with the exciting new FLINT programme which is a development of a key strategy of our organisation, to develop the future leaders in digitally enabled businesses”, says O’Connell.

Mr O’Connell went on to say “Since we launched the FLINT programme in Auckland in July last year, we have taken it to Wellington and now to the Waikato where it was launched last night, Tuesday 26th September.  This programme is bringing future leaders together to equip them to be champions in the new flexible digital economy.”

The new board will continue the work on implementing TUANZ’ strategic direction – ensuring New Zealanders can make the most of the digitally connected world – and achieving its vision of New Zealand being among the top ten countries for business use of digital technology by 2020.

The new board member is:

  • Clayton Balle – Westpac

He joins existing board members:

  • Donna Spargo – Downer NZ
  • Jenna Woolley – Manukau Institute of Technology
  • Liz Gosling – AUT University
  • Malcolm Condie – Individual
  • Maxine Elliott – Vocus Communications
  • Pat O’Connell – Rank Group
  • Tristin Illich – Aurecon
  • Rob McDonnell – Air New Zealand
  • Vaughan Baker – MyRepublic NZ

The new board member replaces the retiring board member Guy Alexander from Xero.  The Board will elect a Chair at its first meeting after the AGM.

There were 11 candidates for the seven positions and the new board members will each serve two-year terms.

For more information about the new TUANZ board please see our Board page.


TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ welcomes the introduction of the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill

8th August 2017

TUANZ welcomes today’s long awaited introduction of the Telecommunications Amendment Bill which is the outcome of the review of the current regulatory framework.  

“Earlier this year we stated our support of many of the proposed changes when outlined in an options paper, and it’s pleasing to see these make it to Parliament” said Craig Young, Chief Executive of TUANZ.  “The contents of the bill will have important implications for consumers and businesses not only in the short term, but most importantly in the post 2020 world of digital communications”.

“We are especially pleased to see our concerns around the ability of the Commerce Commission to respond to possible competition problems, as well as enhancing the Commission’s powers around ensuring consumer retail service quality is maintained and improved are addressed in the Bill.” said Mr Young.

“This is a significant bill that will take some time to review and as always there will be details that we will want to query at the appropriate time.   As the unique organisation that represents the users of digital communications, our members believe that the voice of these users, both businesses and consumers, continue to be critically important in these matters and we will be fully involved as the bill makes its way through select committee in the next parliament” stated Mr Pat O’Connell, Chair of the Board of TUANZ.

Mr O’Connell went on to say that: “One element not addressed as a result of the review is the inequality of resourcing for consumer voice research and advocacy that exists in New Zealand when compared to other jurisdictions such as Australia.  We are fortunate that today, as over the last 30 years, a significant number of New Zealand businesses and individuals have seen the importance of supporting such a voice through membership of our our organisation.”


TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ supports a review of the mobile telecommunications market.

31st July 2017

TUANZ welcomes the recent letter sent from the Minister for Communications to the Telecommunications Commissioner in which he expresses his interest in the Commission undertaking a review of the mobile telecommunications market.

“We have previously stated in our Telco Act Review submissions our desire to see an independant review of the mobile market in New Zealand in our Telco Act review submissions so are supportive of this move” said Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ.  “We have also written to the Telecommunications Commissioner reiterating this point.”

In the letter, TUANZ asks the Commission to undertake a wide ranging review to ensure that the market is delivering the best outcome for end users.  

“We also recognise that the market continues to develop with a number of positive steps occurring and expect a review to point these out as well.  Our aim is to have a holistic picture of how the market is operating and whether there are any changes needed to ensure continued innovation and positive outcomes for users.

The letter from TUANZ to the Telecommunications Commissioner is available from their website (http://tuanz.org.nz/category/representation/)




TUANZ Media Release: Telecommunications Review announcements provides a number of wins for users but more work remains to be done

1st June 2017

Today the Government announced the latest decisions from the review of the current Telecommunications Act that has been underway for the last few years.  “ We have been active in ensuring that our members views were well represented throughout the process and Based on our initial viewing of the latest release, it is pleasing to see several of our proposals taken up by the review.” said Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ.

Today’s package confirms most of the details around the post 2020 regulatory environment for fixed lines services.  While the basis of it remains significantly unchanged since previous announcements, there are a number of changes where some of TUANZ concerns have been considered.  “We are pleased to see that while it does not fully address our concern that the that the 100 Mbs download product will be superseded by faster service even as early as 2020, its is an improvement to see that the anchor product that will be price capped for fibre services has now been defined as an entry level product rather than the most popular.” said Mr Young.

TUANZ does remain concerned over the de-regulation of copper services inside UFB areas, but will work with the Commerce Commission on ensuring there are strong consumer protections within any customer migration codes put in place post the de-regulation.  Rural users will be relying on the copper network for many years to come and so regulation of price and quality of that network as well as the protections under the TSO will remain incredibly important.

“We have been consistently calling for an independent review of the mobile market to ensure that it is delivering internationally competitive services to New Zealanders, and it is pleasing to see the announcement that the Minister will provide a recommendation to the Commerce Commission that they undertake such a study, albeit of the wholesale part of the market” said Mr Young. TUANZ will also write to the Commission to support the Minister’s proposal and requesting that the review is comprehensive given the increased dependence on mobile and fixed wireless services particularly in rural New Zealand

There are also good wins for users of telecommunications where the powers that the Commerce Commision has around consumer service and consumer disputes will be strengthened.  Decisions requiring the Commission to regularly review any disputes process based on the sections of the Act that outline the objectives of a disputes process are welcomed and the industry should take note of those in ensuring their processes continue to improve.

However, there remains significant work that still needs to be undertaken as well as more detail that needs to be developed in the substantive parts of the proposal.  There are other changes made that need to be considered such as the impact of removing the restrictions on Chorus relating to layer 2 and end to end services.  TUANZ  will continue to speak out as the independent voice of users of ICT&T and represent members by engaging with parliament as the review proceeds and the Commerce Commission subsequently commences their work.


TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ welcomes the future extension of fibre availability to another 10% of New Zealand’s population

26 January 2017

TUANZ welcomes today’s long awaited announcement around the extension of the Ultra-Fast Broadband programme beyond the current 75% of population coverage.

“As the only independent organisation representing the users of digital technology, we have long advocated for fibre based services to be available to as many New Zealander’s as possible, and so we are pleased to see today’s announcement of the UFB2 contracts”, said Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ. “We welcomed the initial announcement of a proposed extension during the 2014 election campaign and while the fulfilment of that promise has taken some time, are happy to see that the target has been surpassed and aims to reach 85% of New Zealanders by 2024.”

Today’s announcement is welcome because it continues to reduce the copper gap that exists for the people who were originally left out of the UFB project by extending the programme to another 151 towns. “We are also pleased to see the inclusion of several areas on the fringe of the current cities that were also left out of the original plans” Mr Young said.

TUANZ continues to push for better quality connectivity for all New Zealander’s and will not let up on representing users to ensure the remaining 15% of residents and businesses, get access to fibre-equivalent services in the same timeframe. “Rural New Zealand deserves the same quality services as their urban cousins not only for lifestyle reasons, but because a vast amount of New Zealand’s economic innovation and prosperity comes from farms and businesses located within that last 15%” said Mr Young.

TUANZ will again this year in May host in partnership with the Rural Health Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand, the Rural Connectivity Symposium. “In an election year, hearing from the political parties their goals around investment in this critical area, as well as sharing rural users perspective will be incredibly important to ensure the understanding that the need for continued improvement has not stopped with this announcement.”


TUANZ Media Release: Motu report misses the point, says TUANZ

15 December 2016

The recent report into the impact of broadband on productivity gains produced by researchers Motu misses the point, says TUANZ.

Motu’s report focuses on companies signing up for UFB between 2010 and 2014 – a period of fast growth in UFB uptake which saw usage more than doubled to 22% of all private sector firms with more than six employees.

However Motu has concluded that there is no gain in terms of productivity for those companies at all during the study period.

With respect, we feel Motu has studied the wrong companies at the wrong time and come to the wrong conclusion.

TUANZ CEO Craig Young says the real benefits of Ultra Fast Broadband won’t be seen in those companies that already had access to fibre services, but more likely in the vast number of Small to Medium Enterprise companies that are the true beneficiaries of the UFB project.

“Larger companies have had fibre for years. They tend to have already made the jump to faster broadband and they also tend to have their own IT infrastructure and services, so any benefit they see has already accrued by this point in time. Those companies signing up for UFB were more likely doing so to achieve a cost reduction in terms of broadband pricing, not productivity gains.”

Those SME companies that sign up for UFB are more likely to see a boost in terms of productivity, but only once they put UFB to work, not simply because they’ve signed up for UFB.

“Companies will take time to realise they can do business in different ways once they’ve got UFB installed. Previously they might have emailed their suppliers or business partners but with UFB they can share data more efficiently through cloud-based services, or by providing access directly into their own inventory or back end systems, for example.”

SME business owners, along with schools and medical facilities, are the real target market for UFB in terms of business use.

“TUANZ has long advocated for a public awareness campaign for SME owners so they can see the benefits of UFB and the RBI services. They need a lot more assistance in realising the positives of faster connectivity and we are working with MBIE and others in promoting those benefits.”

Regional economic development is the obvious opportunity for promotion, as regional fibre deployments have given the regions a leg-up in terms of competitiveness over central city companies.

“We have seen Whangarei, Tokoroa and Hamilton all complete their UFB builds and there’s a great opportunity to really make the most of it and build out our regional businesses.”

Xero founder Rod Drury has recently announced the accounting company is building a 30-seat call centre in Napier as part of his desire to see the regions prosper and TUANZ would like to see other companies follow suit.


TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ cautiously welcomes Government’s direction on the future of communications regulation

14th April 2016

TUANZ cautiously welcomes the Government’s announcements today on some key decisions for the future of telecommunications regulation in New Zealand.

“These decision are generally in line with our submission to the original discussion paper” said Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ.  “We are generally supportive of the move to the utility style regulations and will engage in the discussion on the specifics to ensure we vigorously support the right outcomes for business and consumer users of these services”.   He went on to state that until there is more detail released on the proposals including transitional arrangements, the impact will not be fully understood.

The decision regarding consulting on competition in the mobile sector is also a positive decision.  “This was also one of the key points we made in our submission  – that all aspects of the mobile market need to be reviewed to ensure ongoing competition is strong and we see the continuance of multi-party participation.” said Mr. Young.  TUANZ believes this review is critical to ensure that all the relevant tools are in place to ensure that competition and coverage continue to improve in Rural New Zealand in line with their goal of high quality, ubiquitous connectivity across the country.

“We look forward to engaging fully in the process as the group representing the users of these technologies” Mr. Young said.




TUANZ Media Release: TUANZ symposium connecting rural New Zealand.

April 4, 2018

The TUANZ Rural Connectivity Symposium is back for 2016, on 28th April at the Westpac Stadium in Wellington.

Building on the valuable networks and relationships formed at the successful 2015 event, TUANZ will bring internet service providers, health providers and rural end-users of telecommunications together again to talk about the opportunities and challenges of internet access and connectivity in rural New Zealand.

This year’s symposium is being held in conjunction with Rural Health Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand (RHĀNZ), and New Zealand Young Farmers (NZYF). It will kick off with an opening address from Communications Minister Amy Adams, and ‘State of the Nation’ speeches from agribusiness and banking leaders.

Each of the day’s speakers come from varied backgrounds, including health, farming, businesses and technology, and will share their thoughts about the future of connectivity in rural New Zealand.

TUANZ CEO Craig Young says that the focus of the day is going to be on how rural connectivity can provide better outcomes across three important areas: health, liveability, and business.

“The symposium provides a unique opportunity for those affected by rural connectivity in New Zealand to present a unified voice as the government begins to move into the next phase of the rural broadband initiative”, says Mr Young.

“RHĀNZ in partnership with TUANZ and NZYF is committed to influencing the debate and policy decisions around rural connectivity with the input of those most affected by the issue – the rural residents of New Zealand”, says RHĀNZ Chief Executive, Michelle Thompson.

Attendees will be actively involved during the symposium, with two workshop sessions, and panel discussions throughout the day. The partners will also publish a post-symposium paper as a summary of the major themes to emerge out of the day, both for distribution to attendees, and to help shape the thinking of internet providers and government policy makers.

If you are interested in helping rural communities be part of the 21st century in New Zealand, you can register to attend on the RHĀNZ and TUANZ websites.

The symposium is on Thursday 28th April from 9am–5pm, at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium, and will be followed by networking drinks. Registration costs $120 for TUANZ, RHĀNZ and NZYF members, or $250 for non-members.



TUANZ Media Release: Easier install access an important step for UFB rollout

Feb 22, 2018

The Government’s announcement of streamlined consenting rules for installing Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) is an excellent step towards getting all New Zealanders connected.

TUANZ CEO Craig Young says property access for installations is one of the most important issues facing the UFB rollout, and he is happy to finally see that Government, and Minister Adams, have moved to deal with the problem.

“There is rapidly growing demand for UFB, and Government is rightly focused on making sure there are no unnecessary delays for customers wanting to get connected,” says Young.

“These new rules will allow customers living down shared driveways and right-of-ways to be able to access this nationally important infrastructure without unnecessary difficulty or delay.

“Just last week TUANZ reiterated the importance of dealing with install access issues. We hope that the necessary legislation will be drafted and moved through the House as soon as possible.

“Just as importantly, we are looking forward to seeing Government’s plans for opening up install access to multi-dwelling units (apartments for example) where people have been unable to get fibre installed, and measures to provide certainty to network operators about access to private property to maintain fibre infrastructure,” says Young.

There is still a lot of work to be done by industry to ensure that customers don’t have to wait to get connected, from streamlining how they work together to service customers, to the notable shortage in the number of technicians that can install fibre – a more complicated process than a traditional install.

“A quick and painfree install process is vital to the success of the UFB programme,” says Young. 


TUANZ Media Release: Now’s good to check you internet service, as UFB connections grow

With the latest government figures showing that Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB), and Rural Broadband (RBI) connections continue to increase, it’s time for users to start reviewing their Internet services to make sure they’re getting the best speeds, and the best price, available.

TUANZ CEO Craig Young said that yesterday’s numbers, along with last week’s report from the Telecommunications Forum (TCF), show the vast improvement that has been made in the New Zealand telecommunications industry over the last decade, and that it is important for users to actively compare their options as the market continues to grow.

The acceptance of the Commerce Commission’s copper pricing decision by industry was also a positive sign for the sector, said Young, and, while TUANZ believes the outcome was not beneficial to users, “it has given the industry important clarity on access pricing from now until 2019, which is important for users as they are choosing between services”.

Users can see what services are available to them by checking their address on their local retail service providers’ websites, on the Chorus or local fibre company’s site, or on the National Broadband Map available via the TUANZ website.

“TUANZ is committed to encouraging the continued growth in uptake of the new fast broadband services, as we believe they deliver the best possible service and price for users”, said Young.

“We were an early advocate for the need to increase network infrastructure investment, which helped lead to the UFB and RBI policies and programmes, and we will continue to support their uptake and use by people and businesses as an essential investment in New Zealand’s future.

“Our focus now needs to turn to how we are going to use UFB and RBI to turn New Zealand into a digital economy, and how we can get fibre installed into premises more urgently.”

Latest figures show that it can take anywhere from 22 to 104 days to have the service installed, and government is still to move on issues around multi-dwelling units and other issues impacting on installation.

“While we all know that installation is not as simple as flicking a switch, we are concerned that delivery times are increasing rather than decreasing. TUANZ is interested in working with industry and government to help address these sorts of issues where we can”, said Young.

While residential uptake continues to grow at a rapid pace, slower business uptake should be a concern to policy makers and service providers alike.

“Encouraging small and medium enterprises to take up these new services will encourage innovation in their approach to increasing business productivity, leading to better economic outcomes for both them and our country”, said Young.

“TUANZ is committed to developing resources to help businesses understand the value of fibre and 4G services, and how they can save time and money by investing in putting UFB and RBI to work for them.”